Thursday, July 27, 2006


Mind is the master of human body. The mind, it is said, is of two kinds, pure and impure the former when free from the contact with lust and the latter when in contact with lust. Mind alone is the cause of bondage and liberation for men. If attached to the worldly affairs it becomes bound. If free from the worldly affairs it is liberation.

If thoughts are not dissipated, if mind is not perplexed then there is no fear while being watchful. Guard your thoughts, as they are difficult to perceive. Thoughts well guarded will bring happiness. Whenever and wheresoever the restless and unsteady mind may wander away, withdraw it from there and bring it under the control of Self. He whose passions are quieted, and mind perfectly tranquil, who has become one with the Supreme, being freed from all impurities to such a person, comes supreme bliss. Thus constantly holding the mind steadfast, the person whose sins are shaken off, easily attains the infinite bliss, born of contact with Supreme

The above are not human statements but taken from Holy and divine writings from ancient scriptures for the benefit and betterment of mankind.

The most potent thing to mould human life is thought. Thought is the motive power behind every action and its reaction of body, mind and senses and it is not actively limited to physical organism or its immediate surroundings It encircles vaster regions, and the variation of mind which exists arise from the difference in the development of the mind, which is its conveying medium. The power of thought in some minds shines effulgently than through others. The use and abuse of thought determines the destiny of man. When thought is rightly controlled and directed it lifts one ever higher and higher and if done in the reverse trend it drags down and prevents the growth. Thought is a creative force and if our mind is fixed on things, which are trivial, and unwholesome, very soon you will find your whole nature is coloured by them. On the contrary when the mind is fixed on lofty ideas, our nature is inevitably uplifted and transformed.

All our activities are preceded by thoughts. First we think, then we act and it becomes impossible for one to refrain from committing mistakes or evil deeds without paying proper heed to thoughts. It is very important to think consciously- an impulse comes, a desire awakens in the mind and immediately the whole thought is carried away by it, it takes the possession of the mind as if the man has surrendered himself to it. However when the mind is controlled and discriminative, one can avoid such dangers –Make right thinking a habit, it will help to perform all our duties in a right way. Right thinking will help us in awakening our intuition, establishing the tranquility in our whole being and cultivating strength of mind. This is what we need in order to think rightly.

We have certain responsibility in life and to meet this ably, we must learn to understand and you cannot acquire the understanding without bringing our thoughts under our control and mastering our mind introspective-in other words without gaining the power of concentrated thought. Think diligently and learn to adjust the forces within you-Find out and analyze what are your needs and defects, what are the causes of our mental disturbances and distractions and this can be done only when we look within us with clean thoughts and clear mind.

There can be no peace and rest for us until our mind is well collected and focused. A person who is tired and wants rest, lying on a soft bed, yet he finds no rest. Why? The reason is his forces are scattered, thoughts are distracted and unable to quiet his mind even though his body is totally free from activities. Some people are under the impression that resting means doing absolutely nothing- The mind is restless, to quiet it we must give up all thoughts, but cannot give up thinking as the mind will always be engaged in thinking something. Direct your mind only towards restful and subtle thoughts. When the mind is directed towards elevating objects, it will grow calm, serene and strong. This can be achieved through constant mental discipline. In the beginning it may be little difficult but as you try to focus your thoughts you will find how dissipated they are and this is nothing but the result of our own unconscious habits of thinking. To surmount these, cultivate counter habits for all thinking is a matter of habit.

There are 4 kinds of help, which can be rendered to our fellow beings.

1. You may give food, clothes or money to a needy man- GOOD THING
2. Offer education as education helps a man to open his eyes, teaches him to take care of himself as it gives him knowledge- GREAT THING
3. To save a man’s life, indeed a GREATEST THING- but death may seize him at any moment.
4. Teach a man how to control and direct his thought properly and rightly so that he may gain understanding or wisdom, for this will save his soul. HIGHEST THING

The first three forms of helps are unquestionably very good. But only the permanent help is to give people the mastery over all their powers so that they can stand on their own feet and work out their own salvation.

This however, cannot be accomplished in a day or by chance. We can acquire it only through regular practice. Our thought is such a mighty factor in our daily living, that one single thought in the morning can fill our whole day either with happiness and joy or with gloom and depression. All our power and all our weakness come from this one source. All the results we attain are according to our thoughts. It is the thought that determines the true value of every act. Therefore ever remain and live with pure essence of thought and tranquility of mind.



Idler said...

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali gives a rigorous and scientific treatment of this subject. I.K. Taimni's The Science of Yoga elaborates in depth. Look for Yama and Niyama.

J.KANNAN said...

Dear Bharata,

Thanks a lot for your guidance and shall do as suggested by you. Pleaase keep sending your comments on my postings. This will help me to improve my knowledge and writings.
