Saturday, January 26, 2008

It’s all about “WATER”- The sustainer of LIFE.

“Water has many dimensions and its glory is portrayed in Religion as well as Science”

Gangotri Glacier, the origin of the sacred river Ganga and highlights the existence of water in solid, liquid and vapor forms. Biologically water has many distinct properties that are vital for the proliferation of Life, which sets it apart from the other substances. All known forms of life depend on water. Water is also central in photosynthesis and respiration in plants.

The flow of water inside the human body is an indication that it is alive. The average percentage of water in a man is 60% and in a woman it is 55%. The human body is made up of five elements of which water is one.the circulatory system, the respiratory system; the gladiator system and the digestive system all are water-related. Thus water is a part and parcel of human life.

The earth’s water is a treasure house of a variety of fish and amphibious beings. Precious gems such as coral and pearl are products of ocean. The wealth under water is as precious as that above water.

Historically, civilization and cultures of nation are linked with water The Nike River civilization, The Indus-Valley civilization etc. are land marks in history, because human life is much dependent on water. One characteristic of water is that it is always flows from higher to a lower level. Our ancestors drew an analogy from this and gave the message that when wealth in the society flows from the rich to the poor, there will be a well balanced economic status.

In Varaha purana it is said that Lord Vishnu manifested as Varaha (wild boar) to bring out the earth from under water, where the demon Hiranyaksha had hidden it. One may wonder how the earth could be hidden under water when, three- fourth of the earth itself is water. The mythology highlights then existence of water in the universe as space and the earth being immersed in that universal water.

According to Vedic religion of Hinduism, Varuna is the God of sky, of rain and of the celestial waters. He is considered to be one of the 12 Adityas (a demon who become a Deva) and occupies the position of the guardian deity of the western direction. In the Tretha Yuga, the Devas approached Varuna and requested him to manifest himself in all the e waters of the universe and be the Lord of water. Varuna’s abode is the celestial ocean(water),his weapon is a noose. His vehicle is crocodile and his consort is Varuni.

As one of the Adityas, Varuna is a solar deity and always twinned with Mitra or Indra either as Mitra Varuna or Indra Varuna. Varuna ids referred to as the supreme head of law and order. Like the Trinity, he can create, protect and destroy. He has the power of purification.Before performing any puja; Varuna is moved in a pot of water and worshipped. That holy water is sprinkled on the puja materials and icons of Gods.Varauna is known by several names such as Aditya,Aditiputra,Ambapati,Deva Deva,Gopatri,Jaladvipa,Jaleswara,Lokapalaand Udampathi.

Scientifically also water occupies three fourths of the surface of earth. It also surrounds it as vapor. The earth has neither gained water n, nor lost it, is i.e. the total quantum of water on the earth same today as it was millions of years ago. Water only changes the form in a cyclical process. There is also a theory; the most of the earth’s water came from comets that hit the planet over billions of years. In all 975 of the earth’s water is in the oceans and only 3% is fresh water, of which also 69% is locked up in solid form as glaciers and ice caps of mountains, mainly in the Arctic circle and Antarctica. The remaining fresh water is also practically underground and hardly0.3% is flowing in rivers and collected in lakes.

One can now understand how precious and scarce is fresh water. Therefore:-

Waste Not
Want Not

Source : BJ

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