Sunday, June 14, 2009


"Appreciation is Beautiful Whereas Depreciation is Destructive..........

Much of life today is based on depreciation and denigration of public leaders, governments, religions, corporates and even family members. This is negative living, always pointing out faults in no uncertain terms and ignoring the virtues. people are cruel in their complaints. Even though it is not at all good to use unkind words.

A story- It goes like this.......... A guru was sitting with two disciples under a sprawling banyan tree. The older student inquired, "Guruji, how long must I wait until I realize God?" The Guruji responded, "Enlightenment is not something that can be predicted, but since you have asked," he leaned over and spoke in the right ear, "It will be twenty more lives." "Oh, no!" the youth cried in dismay, "I don't know if I can wait that long!" The other disciple, naturally curious, asked of his own future. The guru whispered, "Liberation will come after you live as many lives as this banyan tree has leaves!" Hearing this, the seeker jumped to his feet and began to dance. Why? He was suddenly overcome by the assurance that he would ultimately be liberated. Ecstatic with appreciation, he transcended the mind and attained his liberation that very moment.

The first student was on the path of depreciation. For him the pot was half empty. The second followed the path of appreciation and was immersed in thankfulness. For him the pot was half full. "Some people complain because God put thorns on roses. Others praise Him for putting roses among the thorns."

Appreciation is a beautiful, soulful quality available to everyone in every circumstance-being thankful for life's little treasures, grateful for the opportunity to begin the day where you are, appreciating the perfect place your karma and God's grace have brought you to. Appreciation is life-giving. Depreciation without appreciation is heartlessly destructive. Yet, it is the all too common way of our times. When something is done that is good, helpful or loving, it is often overlooked, treated as something expected. No acknowledgement is shown, no gratitude expressed. But if a shortcoming is seen, everyone is swift to point it out!

The Vedas, and our many other holy texts indicate a better way. The wise ones knew that all people possess freedom of choice and the willpower to use it. Today things unfortunately doesn't happen that way that freedom is usually used wisely. Ignorance seems to be almost as all-pervasive as God. We find it everywhere and within every situation. It does not have to be this way.

Gratitude is a quality of the soul. It does not depend on how much we possess. Its opposite, ingratitude, is a quality of the external ego. When we abide in soul consciousness, we give thanks for whatever we have, no matter how little or how much. When in ego consciousness, we are never grateful or satisfied, no matter how much we have.

When one can store plentiful of Gratitude in heart and mind and beautify why allow "Ego" to occupy that place and destroy ?..................... Just think over.

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