Saturday, June 27, 2009

Peace & Happiness or Misseries & sufferings?.....

"Peace & happiness or Misseries & Sufferrings.....?

In the Bhaja Govindam, Sri.Adi Sankaracharya who took to Sanyasa at a tender age says, Enticed by the physical glamour of a woman, do not lose your senses, the body is nothing but a conglomeration of flesh. Do not forget this anytime..... ....Know this body to be in the claws of disease which may swallow it any moment. Life is ultimately nothing but worry,misery and grief...... Youth flies off in pursuit of love-making. As one grows older he is drowned in worry about the security and future of his wife and children.

One`s whole life is spent in some kind of worry or other. And at no stage does man find time to lift his thoughts to God........ When youth is gone, where is lust and its play?....The pleasures of wordly life are deceptive appearances. ......The hair on the head has either fallen or become grey, the body has become weak, the teeth have totally fallen, the back is bent down and the old man can not take a step without the aid of stick,yet he does not losen a bit his hold on the bundle of desires..... ...All worries and problems are but a dream, a mere hallucination, born of imagination and delusion.... ...

As readily as one takes to indulging in carnal pleasures, with the same readiness he is taken over by diseases too. Even after seeing death as inevitable and the end of all,man does not refrain from sinful ways".

The above saying should not be dismissed as a mere sermon. What a profound picture of misery and sufferings by the jiva? Are we not responsible for our own sufferings and miseries? Please contemplate on this. Acharya Sri Sankara advises us to recite(study) the Bhagavad Gita and Vishnusahasranama and lead the mind towards association with the good.

Arising out of Acharya Sankara`s advice, let us just briefly refer to a few of the verses from Bhagawad Gita having a bearing on the topic under discussion.

Lord Krishna says, when one completely withdraws the senses from their objects just like the tortoise withdraws its limbs, he is established in perfect Knowledge. The senses are so turbulent that they can forcibly lead astray the mind of even a person of sound judgement.

One with Uncontrolled mind can not have spiritual comprehension, has no capacity for meditation either. For the unmeditative there is no peace. And for one devoid of peace how can there be happiness?

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