Thursday, November 04, 2010

The Role of Reav Values in Life................

The Role of real Values in Life ............................

We often come across people who achieve an incredible degree of worldly success, but remain under tremendous pressure. They remain mentally stressed and physically drained. Though they achieve growth and take up additional responsibilities, their mental pressure also increases proportionately. With all the success and glory they achieve, you will find them struggling with an inner thirst for fulfillment, a hunger for personal congruency and a deep need for developing their relationships with other people. The reason for this paradox is that the fundamental values and principles of life and living that they have focused upon and much less understood.

We take it for granted that right living comes naturally as we grow up; but that does not happen. Living is a science as well as an art. To be dynamic in your field of activity and at the same time maintain peace of mind you have to be an artist of life, a technocraft of your personality. It requires specific practice, education and understanding. You need the guidanceto know the technology of life and to gain mastery over yourself and your life.

In the unguided process of living, people are craving for two things – success and peace. Success is the tribute that the world pays to excellence. True success and enduring happiness is a result of incorporating and integrating the time tested values and principles of life in every fibre of your activities in your day-to-day living and always remember................................

"Never take some one for granted,hold every person close to your heart and in high esteem,because you might wake up one day and realise that you have lost a Diamond,while you were busy collecting stones."

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