Sunday, November 28, 2010

Will Power is the Fuel..............................

Will power Is the Fuel....................................

We need a tremendous, indomitable will to make a reality of our quest of realising the Being within. Unfoldment doesn't take a lot of time. It just takes a lot of willpower. Someone can go along and sit at attention, and concentrate and meditate for years and years and years and, with a minimal amount of willpower, constantly be distracted, constantly be complaining and constantly be unsuccessful. Another person can have the exact same approach and over a short period of time be extremely successful, because he has will. The previous way he lived his life, the previous things that he did, he handled in such a way that that willpower was there, or his awareness is a manifestation of willpower, and he goes soaring within on this will.

Will is the fuel which carries awareness through all areas of the mind, that spirit, that spiritual quality, which makes all inner goals a reality. Unfoldment does not take time. It takes a tremendous will. That will has to be cultivated, just as we would cultivate a garden. It has to be cultivated. Those energies have to all be flowing through, in a sense, one channel, so that everything that we do is satisfying, is complete, beautiful.

Discover the will. Back to the spine. Feel the energy in the spine. There is no lack of it, is there? The more we use of it, the more we have to use of it. It is tuned right into the central source. When we become aware of the energy within our spine and within our head, we have separated awareness from that which it is aware of, for that is awareness itself, and that is will. We are playing with words a little. After a while we will gain a new vocabulary for this kind of talk, but right now we are using our old-words' way of looking at it, because our subconscious mind is more familiar with these words. Energy, awareness and willpower are one and the same. When we are subconsciously conscious that we are a super conscious being, and the subconscious mind has accepted the new programming that energy, willpower and awareness are one and the same thing, when the subconscious mind has accepted the fact that the mind was all finished long ago in all its
phases of manifestation, from the refined to the gross,then the subconscious begins working as a pure channel, so to speak, for super consciousness. Awareness can then flow in a very positive, in a very direct, way.

We want awareness to be renewed. The first step is don't try to go to the Self; we haven't realised it yet, go to the spine. Feel the spine. After you realise the Self, you go deeper than the spine, you go into the Self and come back. Before you realise the Self and have that samadhi--attention, concentration. Concentrate on the energy within the spine. Go in. Awareness, energy and will are all one. Come slowly out again and you have all the willpower you need to finish any job that you've ever started, to make decisions, to do and handle your external life in a very positive way, so that it does not capture awareness and hold it steadfast for a period of time, deterring you on the path of enlightenment.

Source..............Internet (spiritual)

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