Saturday, October 08, 2011

What is simplicity.....................

What is Simplicity?? simple words .... by JK.

Peace is Simplicity.Happiness is Simplicity. Simplicity is beauty.Loving and Caring is SimplicityChoose a day as your "Day of Simplicity." Speak little, and listen with attention.......i.e simplicity
Do something incognito and nice for a person you are close to. i.e.simplicity.

Eat simple and natural food. i.e simplicity.Create time periods for not doing anything – just walk, look around, live the moment........simply....i.e simplicity

Have your mind open to a more profound and silent sensitivity.i.e simplicityAppreciate each scene and each person as they are. In the evening, write down your discoveries. Observe the state of your mind. i.e.simplicitySimplify your needs and wants and thereby simplify your living.i.e. simplicity.And be a part of "Simplicity blog" of my friend Trevor Gay and continue to associate with the Blog.


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