Friday, March 31, 2017

What is not there in this pretty Green leaves!!!!

What is not there in this pretty Green leaves!!!!
Please use this tip.........................USE OF CORRIANDER LEAVES............
If you believe the dhania patta or coriander leaves is a mere garnishing ingredient, think again.........
They don't just add to the extra garnishing, recent research proves that coriander leaves and seeds have many health benefits........&....... Here are a few:
Aides digestion and helps settle the stomach and prevent flatulence.
Protects against the Salmonella bacteria, which is a common cause of food poisoning.
Adding coriander to your food can kill these bacteria.
Works as a natural chelation treatment. It cuts down on the levels of heavy metals like lead, arsenic or mercury, which might have entered the body in various ways.
It has anti-inflammatory properties, too, that may alleviate symptoms of arthritis.
Protects against urinary tract infections as it helps flush out various toxins from the body.
Prevents nausea
Relieves intestinal gas
Lowers blood sugar
Lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) and raises good cholesterol (HDL)
These leaves are a good source of dietary fibre
Coriander leaves are also a good source of iron
They are also rich in magnesium
These leaves are rich in phytonutrients and flavonoids.........&...............
Make this at home....

A bunch of fresh coriander leaves
Handful of groundnut seeds
Juice of two lemons
Five cloves of garlic
Half a teaspoon of ginger paste
Four green chillies (according to taste) Salt to taste

Put all the ingredients into a blender and make it into a paste. You can store this in the refrigerator for a day.


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