Monday, June 01, 2009

Some insight on "Agni"- Fire............................

Agni transmits our offerings to Deva.

The Glory of Agni- "The Agni was created for the welfare of the World."

Tending of Agni yields wealth, health and a higher position in Society.

"To Agni, who is intelligent, who is an embodiment of true religion, who is celestial and finally who is the eradicator of diseases, I offer my prayers during the rituals.- Rig Veda-.

Manifestations of Agni-" Practically no part of life is untouched by Agni.

"Ayurveda gives importance to Agni because of its vital functions."

The sacred Fire(Agni):- "Agni was our first Guru from whom we learnt the secrets of light and consciousness."

"Among the panchabuthas(the five elements of nature, Agni (fire) is most entwined with human. In fact the earliest discovery of man, which led to his evolution in a civilised way, is Agni.

"Te flame of lamp (Agni) dispels darkness, but even a spark of fire can destroy a whole forest"-

Agni Sthal " Seat of many legends around Lord Siva's fire aspect."


Agni is one of the most important of the vedic Gods. Is the God of fire and acceptor of sacrifices. The sacifices made in Agni go into the deities, because Agni is a messenger from and to the other Gods.. Agni is ever young,because the fire is re-lit every day.Yet Agni is also immortal.

To be continued...............

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