Sunday, January 22, 2017




The following are some of the obvious truths many forgets too Soon.....Before reading...Please Remember.......

The things you will lose one day....The things you fear, you will face one day.......Do what you want to do....and make good use of every minute of your life............because life is too short......and when does it STOP??.........No one knows!!!!!.. SO......LIVE THE MOMENT AND ENJOY THE MOMENT WITH LOVE & LIKE....
You know how you can hear something a hundred times in a hundred different ways before it finally gets through to you? The truths listed below fall firmly into that category – life lessons that many of us may have learned years ago, and have been reminded of ever since, but for whatever reason be....... have not fully grasped.

Be aware,the average human life is relatively short.We know deep down that life is short, and that death will happen to all of us eventually, and yet we are infinitely surprised when it happens to someone we know. It is like walking up a flight of stairs with a distracted mind, and misjudging the final step. You expected there to be one more stair than there is, and so you find yourself off balance for a moment, before your mind shifts back to the present moment and how the world really is.....LIVE your life good, TODAY! Don’t ignore death, but don’t be afraid of it either. Be afraid of a life you never lived because you were too afraid to take action. Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside you while you are still alive. Be bold..... Be courageous....... And be not scared of death at all as it is...inevitable...and has to happen, and then take the next step anyway.

You will only ever live the life you create for yourself.Your life is yours alone. Others can try to persuade you, but they can’t decide for you. They can walk with you, but not in your shoes. So make sure the path you decide to walk aligns with your own intuition and desires, and don’t be scared to switch paths or pave a new one when it makes sense.Remember, it is always better to be at the bottom of the ladder you want to climb than the top of the one you don’t. Be productive and patient. And realize that patience is not about waiting, but the ability to keep a good attitude while working hard for what you believe in. This is your life, and it is made up entirely of your choices. Allow your actions speak louder than your words......and May your life preaches louder than your lips. May your success be your noise in the end.
And if life only teaches you one thing, let it be that taking a passionate leap is always worth it. Even if you have no idea where you are going to land, be brave enough to step up to the edge of the unknown, and listen to your heart.
Being busy does not mean being productive.....Busyness is not a virtue, nor is it something to respect. Though we all have reasons and seasons of crazy schedules, very few of us have a legitimate need to be busy ALL the time. We simply don’t know how to live within our means, prioritize properly, and say no when we should.

Being busy rarely equates to productivity these days. Just take a quick look around......... Busy people outnumber productive people by a wide margin. Busy people are rushing all over the place, and running late half of the time. They are heading to work, conferences, meetings, social engagements, etc. They barely have enough free time for family get-together and they rarely get enough sleep. Yet, emails are shooting out of their smart phones like machine gun bullets, and their day planners are jammed to the brim with obligations. Their busy schedule gives them an elevated sense of importance. But it is all an illusion. They are like hamsters running on a wheel.Though being busy can make us feel more alive than anything else for a moment, the sensation is not sustainable in long term. We will inevitably, whether tomorrow or on our deathbed, come to wish that we spent less time in the buzz of busyness and more time actually living a purposeful life.

Some kind of failure always occurs before success......Most mistakes are unavoidable. Learn to forgive yourself. It is not a problem to make them. It is only a problem if you never learn from them and If you are too afraid of failure, you just can’t possibly do what needs to be done to be successful. The solution to this problem is making friends with failure. Do you want to know the difference between a master and a beginner? The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried. Behind every great piece of art is a thousand failed attempts to make it, but these attempts are simply never known to us...... shown to us.
Just because it is not happening now, does not mean it never will. Sometimes things have to go very wrong before they can be right.

Thinking and doing are two very different things.Success never comes to look for you while you wait around thinking about it....and..Remember..You are what you do, not what you say, you will do......and...... Knowledge is basically useless without action. Good things don’t come to those who wait; they come to those who work on meaningful goals. Ask yourself what is really important and then have the courage to build your life around your answer.
And remember, if you wait until you feel 100% ready to begin, you will likely be waiting the rest of your life.

You don’t have to wait for an apology to forgive.Life gets much easier when you learn to accept all the apologies you never got. The key is to be thankful for every experience – positive or negative. It is taking a step back and saying, “Thank you for the lesson.” It is realizing that grudges from the past are a perfect waste of today’s happiness, and that holding one is like letting unwanted company live rent free in your head. Forgiveness is a promise – one you want to keep. When you forgive someone you are making a promise not to hold the unchangeable past against your present self. It has nothing to do with freeing a criminal of his or her crime, and everything to do with freeing yourself of the burden of being an eternal victim.

Some people are simply the wrong match for you.You will only ever be as great as the people you surround yourself with, so be brave enough to let go of those who keep bringing you down. You should not force connections with people who constantly make you feel less than amazing.If someone makes you feel uncomfortable and insecure every time you are with them, for whatever reason, they are probably not close friend material. If they make you feel like you can’t be yourself, or if they make you “less than” in any way, don’t pursue any connection with them. If you feel emotionally drained after hanging out with them or get a small hit of anxiety when you are reminded of them, listen to your intuition. There are so many “right people” for you, who energize you and inspire you to be your best self......and It makes no sense to force it with people who are the wrong match for you.

It is not other people’s job to love you; it is yours.It’s important to be nice to others, but it’s even more important to be nice to yourself. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world. So make sure you don’t start seeing yourself through the eyes of those who don’t value you. Know your worth, even if they don’t.Today, let someone love you just the way you are – as flawed as you might be, as unattractive as you sometimes feel, and as incomplete as you think you are. Yes, let someone love you despite all of this, and let that someone be YOU.

What you own is not real who YOU are.Stuff really is just stuff, and it has absolutely no bearing on who you are as a person. Most of us can make do with much less than we think we need. That is a valuable reminder, especially in a hugely consumer-driven culture that focuses more on material things than meaningful connections and experiences.You have to create your own culture. .... Find the strength to fill your time with meaningful experiences. The space and time you are occupying at this very moment is LIFE, and if you are worrying about beauty personalities or some other famous personalities , then you are dis empowered. You are giving your life away to marketing and media trickery, which is created by big companies to ultimately motivate you to want to dress a certain way, look a certain way, and be a certain way. This is tragic, this kind of thinking. It is all just a kind of glamour and tinsel world brainwashing. What is real is YOU.....your family and your good friends, your loves, your highs, your hopes, your plans, your fears, etc.Too often we are told that we are not important, we are just peripheral to what is. “Get a degree, get a job, get a car, get a house, and keep on getting.” And it’s sad, because someday you will wake up and realize you have been tricked. And all you will want then is to reclaim your mind by getting it out of the hands of the brain washers who want to turn you into a drone that buys everything that is not needed to impress everyone and that is not important.

Everything changes..... every moment. Embrace change and realize it happens for a reason. It won’t always be obvious at first, but in the end it will be worth it.What you have today may become what you had by tomorrow. You never know. Things change, often spontaneously. People and circumstances come and go........But, Life does not stop for anybody. It moves rapidly and rushes from calm to chaos in a matter of seconds, and happens like this to many people every day. It is likely happening to someone nearby right now. Sometimes the shortest split second in time changes the direction of our lives. A seemingly innocuous decision rattles our whole world like a meteorite striking Earth. Entire lives have been swiveled and flipped upside down, for better or worse, on the strength of an unpredictable event. And these events are always happening.

However good or bad a situation is now,It has to change and it will change...... That is the one thing you can count on. So when life is good, enjoy it. Don’t go looking for something better every moment.....instead............Smile at life, even when life has not smiled at you first. Be the first one to initiate goodness, and you will be the First one to benefit from that great goodness......And REMEMBER............. Happiness never comes to those who don’t appreciate what they have while they have it.



Saturday, January 21, 2017

Signs You are Not Drinking Enough Water - PLEASE READ.

Signs You are Not Drinking Enough Water 
Inline image 1

I’m sure you will agree that there’s nothing more refreshing than a nice ice-cold glass of water. Despite this, most of us don’t drink enough water on a daily basis. By depriving ourselves of the world’s most natural resource, we are continuously damaging our bodies. 

Over and over again we’re reminded to keep ourselves well hydrated by drinking plenty of water. It’s an important message – not just during a heat wave, but also throughout the year because water serves so many critical functions in the body.

If you experience any of the following, you can improve your situation with a refreshing glass of water.

1. Your Mouth is Dry

This seems pretty obvious, but the ramifications might not be so. Of course, any time you feel that sticky, nasty feeling in your mouth, you’d obviously reach for some sort of liquid. But sugary drinks are only a temporary solution to a larger problem. Drinking water lubricates the mucus membranes in your mouth and throat, which will continue to keep your mouth moist with saliva long after that first sip.

2. Your Skin is Dry 

Your skin is your body’s largest organ, so of course it needs to stay hydrated. In fact, dry skin is one of the earliest signs of full-on dehydration, which can lead to much larger problems. A lack of water means a lack of sweat, which leads to a body’s inability to wash away excess dirt and oil accumulated throughout the day. If you want to stave off breakouts, your first recourse should be to drink more water.

3. You’re Overly Thirsty 

We went over dry mouth already, but thirst goes beyond a desert-like tongue. Anyone who’s ever had a hangover can tell you that, upon waking up, your body just can’t get enough water. Alcohol dehydrates the entire body, and drinking water sends “YES PLEASE!” signals to the brain until your fluid levels get back to baseline. Listen to what your body is telling you; it knows what it’s talking about!

4. Your Eyes Are Dry 

By now it should be clear that drinking water affects more than just your mouth and throat. A lack of water intake leads to dry, bloodshot eyes (again, think of that last pounding hangover). Without water in the body, your tear ducts dry up. If you’re thinking “So what if I can’t cry?” realize that this could cause much more harm to your eyes, especially if you wear contacts on a daily basis.

5. You Experience Joint Pain 

Our cartilage and spinal discs are made up of about 80% water. This is an absolute necessity to keep our bones from grinding against each other with every step we take. By keeping your body hydrated, you ensure that your joints can absorb the shock of sudden movements, such as running, jumping, or falling awkwardly.

6. Your Muscle Mass Decreases 

Your muscles, also, are comprised mostly of water. Obviously, less water in the body means less muscle mass. Drinking water before, during, and after a workout not only keeps you hydrated and comfortable, it also brings water to the right places in your body, and decreases the chance of developing inflammation and soreness related to exercise and weightlifting.

7. You Stay Sick Longer 

Drinking water allows your body to continuously flush out toxins. Your organs work to filter our certain waste products like a machine, but if you don’t fuel the machine with water, it cannot work properly. What ends up happening in a dehydrated body is organs start to pull water from stored areas like your blood, which leads to a whole new set of problems.

8. You Feel Fatigued and Lethargic 

As we just mentioned, when a body is dehydrated it “borrows” water from your blood. A lack of properly hydrated blood leads to a lack of oxygen being brought throughout the body. Of course, a lack of oxygen leads to sleepiness and outright fatigue. A lack of stamina means you’ll start to experience that 2PM crash earlier and earlier in your day (and remember, coffee won’t help in the long run).

9. You Experience Hunger Pangs 

When you’re dehydrated, your body might start to think it needs some food. This happens throughout the day, and overnight when you wake up craving that midnight snack. However, eating food creates more work for your body, whereas drinking water purifies and your organs and supplies it with the fuel it needs to go through the other processes a body goes through.

10. You Experience Digestive Problems 

We spoke before about the mucus in our mouth and throat, and how keeping hydrated allows the membrane to function correctly. This also applies to the entire digestive system. Without proper hydration, the amount and strength of mucus in the stomach lessens, allowing stomach acid to do some major damage to your insides. This leads to what we commonly refer to as heartburn and indigestion.

11. You Experience Constipation

Staying hydrated helps lubricate the digestive system. During the process of dehydration, the colon uses up the water that would have been used by the intestines in the next step of the digestive process. Without going into too much detail, I’ll let you figure out what a lack of lubricant in the intestines leads to.

12. You Experience Reduced Urination 

Believe it or not, if you’re not taking a trip to the restroom 4-7 times a day, you’re probably not drinking enough water. And when you do go #1, it should be a light yellow or clear color. If it’s a darker yellow, your body is telling you it’s lacking proper hydration. In extreme cases, dehydration can lead to urinary tract infections, in which case you should consult a doctor right away.

13. You Experience Premature Aging 

The amount of water our bodies retain naturally decreases as we age. Obviously, what this means is that, as we get older, we should consciously increase our water intake. While premature aging is more evident on the outside, the damage it does to our insides will ultimately be felt over time. To decrease the risk of running your body raw, it’s important to continue to drink water throughout your lifetime.

14. You’re reading this and have got this far 

If you clicked on this article, chances are you thought to yourself “I don’t think I drink enough water.” The European Food Safety Authority and many others recommend that women should drink about 1.6 litres of fluid and men should drink about 2.0 litres of fluid per day. That's about eight glasses of 200ml each for a woman, and 10 glasses of 200ml each for a man. However, the amount a person needs to drink to avoid getting dehydrated will vary depending on a range of factors, including their size, the temperature and how active they are. So, for example, if you're exercising hard in hot weather you'll need to drink more.

All drinks count, including hot drinks such as tea and coffee, but water, milk and fruit juices are the healthiest. It is best to avoid alcoholic drinks.

Also, try to avoid sugary, soft and fizzy drinks that can be high in added sugars. These can be high in calories and bad for teeth.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Ponder Over THANKS GIVING....

Ponder Over THANKS GIVING..............As......................There is An Enormous Power In Giving Thanks........& Take every opportunity to say........THANK YOU......

Every moment in life has a purpose, and the path on which we walk will only take us to our destination if we can find the good in the bad. This is why it is important to be thankful for things that seem bad, because, in the end, hardship is the only way we grow. The below mentioned, lovely and beautiful sentences should remind you of the power of gratitude........IN YOU.

Thank you for accepting me as I am, with all my Goodness & Badness.

Thank you for life, and all the little Ups and Downs that makes it worth living

Gratitude can turn negative into positive.... &......Thanking your troubles...will turn them into Blessings.

For many years you have had that brought wisdom and experience....and for the hardships through which you grew.

If the only prayer every day in your entire life you say to God is.....THANK YOU.....It will be enough

We all have our down days....but it is not at all hard to SMILE and say.......THANK YOU.

It is easy to say THANK YOU for all the easy moments....But only those who THANK, during the hardships will enjoy a truly satisfying life.

Feeling good about your life, but not expressing a heartfelt THANK like wrapping a gift for someone and never give it to them.

Remember.......That every morning you go out to work, have a job.

And ACCEPT the fact..... that you don't know everything.........So, there is always scope more to learn.

For the mistakes you make....because, they teach you the most

Ensure to maintain that THANKS GIVING are the highest from of thought, and that gratitude is happiness multiplied many fold ..........Enjoy an EXCELLENT SUNDAY....My Dear & Beloved Friends................JK



Be Kind & Good to People........

Be Kind & Good to People...............&...........Happy people are those who are.......

1 early risers

2 healthy eaters

3 optimistic

4 risk takers

5 generous

6 not arrogant

7 collaborative

8 honest

9 humble.

Always......Be Kind good to people....... You will be remembered more for your kindness and goodness....... than any level of success you could possibly attain.......Enjoy a Happy & Marvelous Sunday


Story of Goddess Kamakshi Worshiped in Kanchipuram.......

Story of Goddess Kamakshi Worshiped in Kanchipuram.......

Please include this DIVINE & EXTRAORDINARY POWERFUL GODDESS in your daily Prayers...By Chanting the below Hymn.....................


At Kanchipuram in Tamil Nadu, Mother Goddess Shakti appears as Goddess Kamakshi. She is worshipped here as an incarnation of Goddess Parashakti. Her story is associated with her wish to marry Lord Shiva.

Legend has it that Goddess Kamakshi came to Kanchipuram and sat under the shade of a mango tree. Here she offered prayers to a Shivling made of sand.

Through her austerities and devotion she was able to please Shiva who promised to marry her.

Goddess Kamakshi sits in padmasana posture in Kanchipuram. It said that Goddess Saraswati, Lakshmi and Parvati reside in her eyes.

Image result for Photo of Kanchi Kamakshi Amman
Hi My Dear Friends............ I have taken the pleasure of compiling this....&...... You all in turn......... Take the pleasure of reading this.....apply wherever needed after reading...and get rid of pains for sure.............JK


Let my every word be a prayer to Thee..........
Every movement of my hands a ritual gesture to Thee............
Every step I take a circumambulation of Thy image,........
Every morsel I eat a rite of sacrifice to Thee.........
Every time I lay down a prostration at Thy feet.........
Every act of personal pleasure and all else that I do......
Let it all be a form of worshiping Thee..............

Verse 27 of Shri Aadi Shankara's Saundarya lahari

The worship of Feminine Divinity...........

The Feminine Divinity has enshrined in many places on earth with Thousands of different names. In India, She takes upon the name of Kamatchi in Kanchipuram, Meenakshi in Madurai, Vishalatchi in Kasi, KanyaKumari in Cape Comorin, Bagavathy in Kodungallur and so on. This doctrine of female divinity has established Divine as firm roots among Hindus. The worship of the Divine as Mother evokes motherly traits of tenderness, generosity and love.
Three most important and popular form of Divine Mother.

One is her powerful of all embracing grace and opulence and properity, in the form of Sri Lakshmi. Mother Lakshmi is a mother of prosperity, peace and illumination. Without Her grace one can’t have inner peace or perennial joy.
Second is her profound capacity for knowledge and self expression, in the form of Sri Saraswati. Goddess Saraswati manifests to create the universe through pulsation (Spanda), which animates the mind as subtle thoughts, and emerges on the physical plane as speech. All of material creation is also embodied in the subtle vibrations of this divine speech, and mantras, which encapsulate these energies, when properly pronounced, can actually recreate material reality.

The third form is her splendid strength, her warrior mood and her world-shaking force, as in Kali, Durga, Saptamatrikas, Mahavidyas and Prathyankara Devi. She is the Hindu Warrior queen, the one which all the Devas and even Asuras meditate upon just to get a mere glimpse of her as a blessing before any great battle. As Sri Parvati Devi, She is the whole left side of Lord Shiva, her consort in the form of Ardhanarishvara.

The meaning of her name; Sri Kamatchi or Kamakshi Amman Mother Kamatchi has very special eyes, as portrayed in her name itself. The word 'Kama' can be refered to as Love, wanton or attractive, magnetic pull. Thus, the name means one who has a beautifully dazzling and captivating eyes. But the word 'Kaa' also means means Sri Lakshmi and 'maa' means Sri Saraswati, as in Kamatchi, the Super goddess with Sri Parvathi, Sri Lakshmi and Sri Saraswati as her eyes. She blesses all that dedicate themselves to her.

The legend goes that Siva and Parvati fell out in a game of dice. Siva cursed Gowri to become ugly. With the help of Vishnu Parvati propitiated Siva by performing penance under a single Mango tree at Kancheepurarn on the banks of the Kampa River, and regained her beauty with dazzling eyes, from which the name of Kamatchi has been derived for the tutelary goddess of the temple. As Parvati regained Siva under the mango tree, the name of Ekamranatha (Ekaone, amra - mango, and natha-Lord) was given to Lord Siva and it later became Ekambareswarar.

Sri Parvathi is doing thapam in Kanchipuram. According to Devi Bhagavata, the lord of the ganas, Citrakarma creates the image of a man out of the burnt ashes of Love; the Love God Manmatha who tried to distract Shiva from meditation and got burnt by the power of agni (fire) from the third eye of Shiva. Shiva names the new image, Bhanda or Panda, teaches him a powerful mantra and gives him the boon of being one and a half times as strong as his enemy, and empowering him as ruler for sixty thousand years. By the power of this mantra, one could gain half the might of one's adversary. Unfortunately, because he was generated from the ashes of Shiva's wrath he is transformed into a fierce demon. Intoxicated with his new found power he proceeded to rampage the kingdom of the Gods. Apprehending defeat and humiliation, there is nothing that any of the Gods can do during the sixty thousand years when Siva is protecting Bhanda, but once this time has gone by, the Gods try to find a way to destroy him and protect all the Celestials from the atrocities of a demon.

Sri Lalita Ambika...The Devas in disguise of a parrot image together with the holy Trinity, Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma, summon the Divine Mother Adi Parashakti, Sri Lalita Ambika, in the form of Kamatchi. Legend has it that Kamatchi appeared in her ethereal form in a pit or cave (Bilakasa Swarupa) to save the Devas from Asuras agrees to stop Bhanda's efforts to overtake the city of the Gods and destroy him.
The battle starts and Gods rejoice in Kamatchi's growing success and worship her. Nonetheless, Bhanda is still alive and empowered. Sri Kamatchi Devi agrees to bless all of those worshiping her with progeny, fame, and virtue, among other things. As the city is being attacked by Bhanda, Kamatchi in the form of Parvati marries Lord Shiva, forming a strong allied army. At the same time, Kamatchi proclaims her independence while honoring her independence. Years go by and Kamatchi leaves her Consort to lead the army against Bhanda.
Bhanda does not regard an army of women as a serious threat, and laughs that Kamatchi is as soft and delicate as the flower. To Bhanda's dismay and the Gods' delight, Kamatchi's army is very powerful. She is supported by strong women who work together to create unique weapons, particularly the noose and goad (which Lalita's icon often hold) in order to be successful. One after another, Bhanda's generals are defeated. Kamatchi creates new Gods to fight as the battle rages on, including Lord Ganesa, and he destroys many armies and Bhanda's brother. As a reward, Kamatchi grants him the right to be worshiped before all other Gods. The battle rages on, all of Bhanda's family is killed, and finally he tries to save himself by creating powerful missiles to destroy Kamatchi. She is too powerful for him and sends Durga after him. Finally, it is a showdown between Bhanda and Kamatchi. She kills him using the kamesvara missile, which has an incredibly bright splendor. The deity's praise Kamatchi for her courage and success. She agrees to bring back the God of Love, Manmatha and reunites him with his grateful wife Rathi Devi.

This myth shows how Kamatchi is the two forms of human nature simultaneously. She is able to be devoted to her Consort Siva, but to maintain the independence she needs to lead her army to war. She is fierce in her battles, but her most powerful weapons and warriors are created from her laugh and jubilance. Kamatchi shows people the way to deal with problems in their everyday lives. Her being is not an example for those who intend to lead an isolated life. Kamatchi shows how to live in balance, for people with numerous responsibilities. She demonstrates that it is possible to honor the family and other responsibilities, without disappointing anyone.

The legend also says that Kamatchi appeared through Bilakasa in front of Manmatha, having been impressed by his penance. The entire temple complex of Kamatchi temple at Kanchipuram (Kanchi) is believed to be within the perimeter of the same Bilakasa.
In one fine day, Ugraswarupini (Kali) slipped out of the temple at night and caused maelstrom and mayhem in the city. The people of Kanchi were very apprehensive at the destruction. Sankara prayed to Kamatchi and received assurance that she would not leave the temple and wander into the town without his express permission. The curfew worked and people were happy. This is one of the very few curfews imposed by man on Goddess. The tradition continues even to this day in that Kamatchi receives permission from Sankara before she ventures out of the sanctum. Tirunavukkarasar, TirugnanaSambandar and Sundarar sang devotional songs on Kamatchi. Her Sakti radiates throughout the land from her sanctorum at Kanchi.

Sri Kamatchi Amman at Kanchipuram (Kanchi) Tamil Nadu. Another story of the temple is that while Lord Siva was meditating, Parvati playfully covered his eyes for a moment. This resulted in the earth being covered with darkness for years. This angered Siva who cursed Parvati to go to earth and do severe penance. She came to earth and created the earth linga and worshiped it under a single (eka) mango tree in Kanchipuram. Siva sent different obstacles to test Parvati’s sincerity. When he sent a flood, she clasped to the linga so tightly that imprints were made on it.....And...In a more interesting tale, A beautiful maiden Sati, who is also called Dakshayani; one of the daughters of Prasuti and Daksha, an ancient creator God, loved Shiva. But her father Daksha forbade her marriage to Shiva.Daksha got revenge by performing Yajna without offering the first Prasada to Siva, he did not pay any attention to Sati, when she showed up for the Yajna. Sati declared to the assembled galaxy of Gods, Goddesses and Rishis that she was ashamed to own the body given to her by her father. She performed Tapas and the internal heat generated by the Tapas consumed her life. Having heard the death of Sati, Siva, in a fit of anger, pulled his matted lock and flung it on the ground and performed the dance of destruction (tandava nritya) with Sati’s dead body on his shoulder, in the form of Bhairava.
From the fulgurant lock emerged a being, scraping the skies and heavens with a thousand arms, with three eyes shining like the sun, dark complexion like a rain clouds, fierce teeth, a garland of skulls, matted locks resembling ropes of fire, and a host of weapons at the ready. That was Virabhadra, a part manifestation of Siva in his fierce form, together with 7 other beings called Muneeswaras. They immediately sought and received their mission which is to annihilate Daksha and his sacrifice. Daksha met his death at the hands of Virabhadra.
Siva picked up the body of Sati and wandered all over the universe. Vishnu seeing Siva in such condition sent his discus, which cut the dead body of Sati into several pieces, which fell all over Indian subcontinent. Wherever the body parts fell, that ground became sacred. The womb or the Bone of Sati fell in Kanchi, Tamil Nadu, which became the sacred site of temple (Sakti Peetha) for her in the form of Sr Kamatchi Amman.

Lord Shiva and Sri Parvati Devi's Thirukalyanam...

The Hindu answer to the Triple Goddess, Lalita can symbolize many things. She is the Maiden, the Mother and the Crone, the Light, the Dark and the Unknown and she is the beautiful (sundari) Goddess of the three cities (tripura) which are sun, moon and fire. The noose is attachment (moon). The goad is repulsion (sun). The sugarcane bow is the mind. The flowery arrows are the five sense impressions. When consciousness perceives these, the outward directed arrows stop being dry sticks. These five flowery arrows together with the bow are personified as six Krishnas.
Lalita means She Who Plays. All creation, manifestation and dissolution is considered to be a play of Devi or the goddess. Maha Tripura Sundari is her name as transcendent beauty of the three cities, a description of the Goddess as conqueror of the three cities of the demons, or as the triple city (Tripura), but really a metaphor for a human being.
Lalita Mahatripurasundari is the central goddess to the Sri Vidya tradition of the Hindu religion, also, the "School of Auspicious Wisdom." The Sri Vidya is a branch of Sakta Tantrism which considers Lalita as the supreme form of the Mahadevi. It is prominent in the South of India, and has many variants on its theme, but none claim to be different than the others. Within the Sri Vidya tradition, ritual plays an important role (in order to make comprehensible the uncompleted world in which we live). In ritual, the listing of names is often central, as these names are the deity's mantras (subtle forms of the deity).
The Tantrarajatantra states that Lalita assumed a male form as Krishna, and 'by enveloping all women enchanted the whole world'. Each of the six forms is like dawn, with six arms, holding flute, noose, goad, sugarcane bow, flowers, sour milk.
Lalita has 15 attendants, the Nitya Devis, and these are the days of the Waxing Moon. She resides in three naadi-s (nerve channels), namely sushhumnaa, pingalaa, and idaa. She is the ruler of the three Shaktis - ichchaa (will), jnana (knowledge) and kriyaa (action). She pervades all the three worlds - heaven, earth and the nether world. She is the controller of all the three bodies - sthula (gross), suukshhma (subtle), and kaarana (causal). She is the self which is present through the three states of existence - jaagrat (waking), svapna (dream), and sushhupti (deep sleep). Though she is above all guna-s, She pervades the three modes of energy- sattva (purity), rajas (mobility) and tamas (inertia).This is the Hindu Triple Goddess Tripura-Sundari

This is a direct and hard-hitting portrayal of the Goddess dominating the important male deities of the Hindu pantheon, a central belief of the Mahavidya ideology. She is the savior of all, the Last Refuge. She is the symbol of sweetness, beauty, and Softness. These qualities depict her of an unsurpassed splendor.

The word 'Shodashi' literally means sixteen in Sanskrit. She is thus visualized as sweet girl of sixteen. In human life sixteen years represent the age of accomplished perfection after which decline sets in. Indeed sixteen days form the completed lunar cycle from the new moon to the full moon. The full moon is the moon of sixteen days. This girl of sixteen rules over all that is perfect, complete, beautiful.