Friday, April 17, 2009

Relax & Enjoy with your family.......

Relax and Recharge Completely
By: Brian Tracy

Regular relaxation is essential for a long life and personal effectiveness. Here are some techniques for relaxing physically that are used by the most successful and highest paid people in America.

Take Time Off Every Week

First of all, work only five or six days per week, and rest completely on the seventh day. Every single study in this area shows that you will be far more productive in the five or six days that you work if you take one or two days off completely than you ever would be if you worked straight through for seven days.

Get Your Mind Busy Elsewhere

During this time off, do not catch up on reports, organize your desk, prepare proposals, or do anything else that requires mental effort. Simply let your mind relax completely, and get busy doing things with your family and friends. Maybe work around the house, go for a walk, engage in physical exercise, watch television, go to a movie, or play with your children. Whatever you do, discipline yourself to shut your mental gears off completely for at least one 24-hour period every seven days.

Get Away on Mini-Vacations

Second, take one three-day vacation every three months, and during that time, refrain from doing any work. Do not attempt to catch up on even a few small things. If you do, you keep your mental gears in motion, and you end up neither resting nor properly doing work of any quality.

Take Big Chunks of Down Time

Third, take at least two full weeks off each year during which you do nothing that is work-related. You can either work or relax; you cannot do both. If you attempt to do a little work while you are on vacation, you never give your mental and emotional batteries a chance to recharge. You'll come back from your vacation just as tired as you were when you left.

Give Yourself a Break Today

If you are involved in a difficult relationship, or situation at work that is emotionally draining, discipline yourself to take a complete break from it at least one day per week. Put the concern out of your mind. Refuse to think about it. Don't continually discuss it, make telephone calls about it or mull it over in your mind. You cannot perform at your best mentally if you are emotionally preoccupied with a person or situation. You have to give yourself a break.

Go For a Walk in Nature

Since a change is as good as a rest, going for a nice long walk is a wonderful way to relax emotionally and mentally. As you put your physical body into motion, your thoughts and feelings seem to relax all by themselves.

Eat Lighter Foods

Also, remember that the process of digestion consumes an enormous amount of physical energy. Therefore, if you eat lighter foods, you will feel better and more refreshed afterward. If you eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain products, your digestive system will require far less energy to process them.

Be Good to Yourself

Since your diet has such an impact on your level of physical energy, and through it your levels of mental and emotional energy, the more fastidious you are about what you put into your mouth, the better you will feel and the more productive you will be. We know now that foods high in fat, sugar, or salt are not good for your body. The lighter the foods you eat, the more energy you have.

Action Exercises

Here are three things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action:

First, plan your weeks in advance and build in at least one day when you will relax from work completely. Discipline yourself to keep this date.

Second, reserve, book and pay for your three day vacations several months in advance. Once you've paid the money, you are much more likely to go rather than put it off.

Third, decide that you will not work at all during your vacations. When you work, work. And when you rest, rest 100% of the time. This is very important.

The life's lessons from the pencil...................

The Life's Lessons from the Pencil........Pl Read & abide by these breat lessons.

The pencil maker took the pencil aside,just before put him into the box.

There are five things you need to know, he told the pencil. Before I send you out into the world
Always remember them and never forget and you will become the best pencil you can be.:-

1. You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in someone's hand.

2.You will experience painful sharpening from time to time, but you will need it to become a better pencil.

Compiled & Modified by J.K

3.You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make.

4.The most important part of you will always be what's inside


5.On every surface you are used on, you must leave your mark. No matter what the condition is, you must continue to write

The pencil understood and promised to remember, and went into the box with purpose in it's heart.

And in our life let's

Now replacing the place of the pencil with you, always remember them and you will become THE BEST PERSON you can be.:-

1.You will be able to do many great things,but only if you allow yourself to be held in God's hands, and allow other human beings to access you for the many gifts you possesses.

2.You will experience in the process of life painful sharpening from time to time by going through various problems l,but you will need it, to become a stronger person.

3.You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make.

4.The most important part of you will always"What's on the inside."


5.On every surface you walk through, you must leave your mark, No matter what's the situation is and you must continue to do your duties..

Allow this parable on the pencil to encourage you to know that you are a "Special Person" and only you can fulfil the purpose to which you were born to accomplish.

Never allow yourself to get discouraged and think that your life is insignificant and cannot make a change.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Copper Bottomed



Genuine; trustworthy.


If you come across something that is copper-bottomed these days, it is
most likely to be a saucepan. In the 18th century, it would have been
a ship. It is unusual for an idiomatic phrase to have such a literal
derivation as this. 'Copper-bottomed' described ships that were fitted
with copper plating on the underside of their hulls. The process was
first used on ships of the British Navy in 1761 to defend their wooden
planking against attack by Teredo worms a.k.a. Shipworms (actually a
type of bivalve clam) and to reduce infestations by barnacles.

The method was successful in protecting ships' timbers and in
increasing speed and manoeuvrability and soon became widely used. This
piece from The London Magazine, March 1781, records the introduction
of its use on all the ships of the Royal Navy:

Admiral Keppel made a remark upon copper bottomed ships. He said they
gave additional strength to the navy and he reproached Lord Sandwich
with having refused to sheath only a few ships with copper at his
request, when he had since ordered the whole navy to be sheathed.

John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, may have been otherwise occupied.
He is said to have once spent twenty-four hours at the gaming-table
without refreshment other than some cold beef placed between slices of
toast - hence giving name to the sandwich.

Before long, 'copper-bottomed' began to be used figuratively to refer
to anything that was certain and trustworthy. Washington Irving, in
his work Salmagundi, 1807, included this line:

"The copper-bottomed angel at Messrs. Paff's in Broadway."

It wasn't all plain sailing. Pay attention at the back, here's the science bit:

Copper and iron, when immersed in a suitable electrolytic fluid, like
fruit juice or, at a pinch, seawater, form an electrochemical couple
and the arrangement becomes a serviceable galvanic battery. Over time,
the iron is eaten away to nothing by the electrochemical action.

That wasn't good news for mariners who fixed their boat's copper
plates using iron nails - the iron eroded and the plates went to visit
Davy Jones. Copper nails were the answer and soon afterwards ships
began to be described not only as copper-bottomed but also
copper-fastened. Such technically top-of-the-range ships were well
thought of; an example is found in the 9th July 1796 edition of The
Hull Advertiser:

She is copper-fastened and copper-bottomed, and a remarkable fine ship.

The expression 'copper-fastened' was and is used quite infrequently
and is often wrongly taken to be a simple misstating of
'copper-bottomed'. Its meaning is similar but with the emphasis on
security and lack of any ambiguity, rather than of certainty and
trustworthiness. It had to wait longer to be taken into metaphorical
use - until the 20th century in fact. An example of such is to be
found in The Evening Independent, November 1948:

We had some striking examples of what happens when a guy gets so big
for his britches that any pal of his is automatically a
copper-fastened genius.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Benefit of doubt..................

Benefit of Doubt-Use it without discrimination and not in haste.......

One night there was a woman at the airport who had to wait for several hours beforecatching her next flight. While she waited she bought a book and a pack of biscuits to spend the time. She looked for a place to sit and waited. She was deep into her book, when suddenly she realized that there was a young man sitting next to her who was stretching his hand and, with no concern whatsoever, and grabbing the pack of cookies lying between them. He started to eat them one by one. Not wanting to make a fuss about it she decided to ignore him.

The woman, slightly bothered, ate the cookies and watched the clock, while the young and shameless thief of biscuits was also finishing them. The woman started to get really angry at this point and thought "If I wasn't such a good and educated person, I would have given this daring man a black eye by now. "Every time she ate a biscuit, he had one too.

The dialogue between their eyes continued and when only one biscuit was left, she
wondered what was he going to do.. Softly and with a nervous smile, the young man
grabbed the last biscuit and broke it in two. He offered one half to the woman while
he ate the other half. Briskly she took the biscuit and thought, "What an insolent
man! How uneducated! He didn't even thank me!" She had never met anybody so fresh and sighed relieved to hear her flight announced.

She grabbed her bags and went towards the boarding gate refusing to look back to
where that insolent thief was seated. After boarding the plane and nicely seated,
she looked for her book which was nearly finished by now. While looking into her bag she was totally surprised to find her pack of biscuits nearly intact. If my biscuits are here, she thought feeling terribly, those others were his and he tried to share them with me

Too late to apologize to the young man, she realized with pain, that it was she who had been insolent, uneducated and a thief, and not him.

How many times in our lives, had we known with certainty that something happened in a certain way, only to discover later that it wasn't true? How many times has our
lack of trust within us made us judge other people unfairly with our conceited
ideas, often far away from reality. That is why we have to think twice before we
judge others. Let's always give others the benefit of the doubt before we think
badly of them.

Making India Proud.....................

Making India Proud - Great & Beloved Indians.

"Each nation has an identity and destiny. As far as India is concered,
"Hindu is its identity and religion is its way of working" - Swami Vivekananda

"A day will come when India will burst upon the world stage, like an avalanche, and Mother India will be sitting on the Golden Throne in all Her resplendent Glory, dazzling the world, as never before"- Prophesy of Swami Vivekanand. "

Wait & Enjoy that spirit,glory and total freedom- It has to happen & "IT WILL HAPPEN" as the symptoms are cleanly and clearly visible now................
Prediction out of intution of J.K

Making India Proud: Indians have made the Country Proud.. Must Read........

Indians have made the country proud world-over having excelled as
scientists, doctors, engineers, entrepreneurs and actors. India has a
rich culture, heritage and a distinguished history, whose legacy stands tall even
today. As a proud nation of a billion celebrates its 60th Republic Day,
here's a look at what makes India so very special...

India Special 1 ...

Incredible India Inc - Indian entrepreneurs hold top positions in
several multi-national companies. It's said that four out of the ten
start-ups in the Silicon Valley are run by Indians. Indians are the
richest Immigrant class in the US. Also, the number of companies listed
in the Bombay Stock Exchange is more than 6000, second to only US's New
York Stock exchange.

India Specia 2 ...

Fascinating film fraternity - Indian tinsel town is singing praises of A
R Rahman, who has got a nod for the Oscars. And the movie 'Slumdog
Millionaire' with world-class music, an Indian cast and based on an
Indian theme, doing exceptionally well in the international circuit,
it's time more Indian films to get the recognition they deserve. We are
way ahead of Hollywood in the numbers game, with more than 800 movies
being churned out each year in India.

India Special 3 ...

A nation in gold - Can you imagine an Indian wedding without the bride
being decked up in all the gold ornaments? Indians consume a fifth of
the world's total gold output and the percentage is increasing by the

India Specia l5 ...

Remarkable Indian Railways - From the proposed bullet trains, to the
passenger and goods trains, the Indian Railways, is one massive network
serving the nation. This makes the Indian Railways, which employs more
than a million people, the largest employer in the world.

India Special 7 ...

Striking strides in sports - Indian sportspersons have made the country
proud on several occasions. Some recent laurels include Abhinav
Bindra's gold at the Olympics, MS Dhoni's boys winning cricket's
inaugural 20twenty World Cup and Vishwanathan Anand retaining his FIDE
World Chess Champion title.

India Special 8 ...

Marked in mathematics - The number zero, was perhaps, India's best ever
gift to mathematics. And over the centuries, Indians have shone in many
areas of research in mathematics. From Srinivasa Ramanujan to the human
computer Shakuntala Devi, the list is endless.

India Special 9 ...

Medical marvels - India's contribution to the field medicine dates back
to the 6th century BC when saint Sushruta, compiled a book with his
findings about medicines and their uses and methods for surgery. And
over the last couple of decades, the alternate stream of medicine,
Ayurveda, has become one of the most sought medical streams across the

Never take some one for granted,Hold every person
Close to your Heart and in high esteem because you might wake up one day and realize that you have lost a diamond while you were too busy collecting stones."

Remember this always in life.

Source: Internet (Duly edited by JK)

Great India....Said by A Greatest American......

Great India........Greater impression....and by a Greatest American Historian

"India was the motherland of our race and Sanskrit the mother of Europe’s languages. India was the mother of our philosophy, of much of our mathematics, of the ideals embodied in Christianity (…) of self-government and democracy. In many ways, Mother India is the mother of us all. "
Will Durant, American Historian (1885-1981)

I am indeed proud of India & Will Durant

Four Things.......................

Four things

I wondered why it rained when sun was what
I needed. Then I realized the rain washed
away the dust that settled so easily on me
as I had recently taken to standing still.

I wondered why life seemed to pass me by.
Then I realized I was not living, just
simply existing. Living requires participation.

I wondered why no one ever listened to what
I had to say. Then I realized I had only been
talking about myself and all my troubles.
I was the one not listening to them.

I wondered why God had abandoned me.
Then I realized I had abandoned God.

I wondered why I was not happy.
Then I realized standing still, simply existing, whining and
turning my back on God, does not make for a happy life.

Four things...

1. See the sun when it rains.

2. Accept that life evolves with you, it doesn't revolve around you.

3. Understand that God gave you two ears and one mouth. You need to listen more
than you speak.

4. Plan with God , for He has better plans for you

Live humbly...There are Great people around "Us"

Humility......................Bravery of Maj. Mitra-Indian Army

(A true incident describing the humility of Major Batra even in the life threatening situation narrated by one of his men ,Subedar Sushant)

Vivek Pradhan wasn't a happy man. He was the Project Manager and still not entitled to air travel and had to travel in the a/c compartment of shatabdi express. It was not the prestige he sought, he had tried to reason with the admin guy, it was the savings in time. He opened his case and took out the laptop, determined to put the time to some good use.

"Are you from the software industry sir," the man beside him was staring appreciatively at the laptop.

Vivek glanced briefly and mumbled in affirmation, handling the laptop now with exaggerated care and importance as if it wes an expensive car. "You people have brought so much advancement to the country sir. Today everything is getting cocomputerised"

'Thanks," smiled Vivek, turning around to give the man a detailed look. He always found it difficult to resist appreciation.

"You people always amaze me," the man continued, "You sit in an office and write something on a computer and it does so many big things outside."

Vivek smiled deprecatingly. "It is not as simple as that my friend. It is not just a question of writing a few lines. There is a lot of process that goes behind it. It is complex, very complex."

"It has to be. No wonder you people are so highly paid," came the reply.

This was not turning out as Vivek had thought. A hint of belligerence came into his so far affable, persuasive tone.

"Everyone just sees the money. No one sees the amount of hard work we have to put in." "Hard work!" "Indians have such a narrow concept of hard work.

Just because we sit in an air-conditioned office doesn't mean our brows don't sweat. You exercise the muscle; we exercise the mind and believe me that is no less taxing."

"My friend," he concluded triumphantly, "you don't know what it is to be in the line of fire."

The man sat back in his chair, his eyes closed as if in realization. When he spoke after sometime, it was with a calm certainty that surprised Vivek.

"I know sir, I know what it is to be in the line of fire," He was staring blankly as if no passenger, no train existed, just a vast expanse of time.

"There were 30 of us when we were ordered to capture Point 4875 in the cover of the night. The enemy was firing from the top. There was no knowing where the next bullet was going to come from and for whom. In the morning when we finally hoisted the trictricolourthe top only 4 of us were alive."

"You are a..."

"I am Subedar Sushant from the 13 J&K Rifles on duty at Peak 4875 in Kargil. They tell me I have completed my term and can opt for a land assignment. But tell me sir, can one give up duty just because it makes life easier. On the dawn of that capture one of my colleagues lay injured in the snow, open to enemy fire while we were hiding behind a bunker. It was my job to go and fetch that soldier to safety. But my captain refused me permission and went ahead himself. He said that the first pledge he had taken as a Gentleman Cadet was to put the saf ety and welfare of the nation foremost followed by the safety and welfare of the men he commanded. His own personal safety came last, always and every time.

He was killed as he shielded that soldier into the bunker. Every morning now as I stand guard I can see him taking all those bullets, which were actually meant for me. I know sir, I know what it is to be in the line of fire."

Vivek looked at him in disbelief not sure of his reply. Abruptly he switched off the laptop. It seemed trivial, even insulting to edit a word document in the presence of a man for whom valor and duty was a daily part of life. The train slowed down as it pulled into the station and Subedar Sushant picked up his bags to alight.

"It was nice meeting you sir."

Vivek fumbled with the handshake. This was the hand that had climbed mountains, pressed the trigger and hoisted the tricolor. Suddenly as if by impulse he stood at attention, and his right hand went up in an impromptu salute.

It was the least he felt he could do for the country.

PS: The incident he narrates during the capture of Peak 4875 is a true life incident during the Kargil war. Major Batra sacrificed his life while trying to save one of the men he commanded, as victory was within sight.

For this and his various other acts of bravery he was awarded the Param Vir Chakra - the nation's highest military award.

Lets Live humbly, there are great people around us !

Influence & Change...................

"Influence" and "change" makes wondeful changes in performance. ......................................

When you change your thinking, you change your beliefs.

It begins with the mind. Beliefs are nothing more than a by-product of what you have thought long enough about that you have bought into--always remember that. What you believe is a collection of continual thoughts that have formed themselves into a conviction.

"Although not all change is the same, there is one common element to change, and that is thinking." That is a great truth. When you break down the process of thinking into manageable number of steps, you reduce the perceived risk associated with change. Being creative is when you think about your thinking, being innovative is when you act on your ideas.

When you change your beliefs, you change your expectations.

Belief is the knowledge that we can do something. It is the inner feeling that what we undertake, we can accomplish.. For the most part, all of us have the ability to look at something and know whether we can do it. So, in belief there is power: our eyes are opened; our opportunities become plain; our visions become realities. Our beliefs control everything we do. If we believe we can or we believe we cannot, we are correct. Accomplishment is more than a matter of working harder; it is a matter of believing positively. It's called the"sure enough" factor. If you expect to succeed, "sure enough," you will; if you expect to fail, "sure enough," you will. We become outside what we believe inside.

When you change your expectations, you change your attitude.

I love Ben Franklin's quote:-

"Blessed is the one who expects nothing, for he shall receive it."

I heard a story the other day about a man who went to the fortuneteller who looked in the crystal ball and said, "Oh, my. This is not good. I look in this ball and see that you will be poor and unhappy until you're 45 years old." The guy said, "Oh, that's terrible. Well, then what's going to happen?" The fortuneteller said, "You'll get used to it."

Your expectations are going to determine your attitude. Most people get used to average; they get used to second best Nelson Boswell said,

"The first and most important step toward success is the expectation that we can succeed."

When you change your attitude, you change your behavior.

William James was right when he said,

"That which holds our attention determines our action."

When our attitude begins to change, when we become involved with something, our behavior begins to change. The reason that we have to make personal changes is that we cannot take our people on a trip that we have not made. Too many leaders try to be travel agents instead of tour guides--they try to send people where they have never been. We give them a brochure and a "Bon Voyage!" And off they go and we wave to them, and we ask them to tell us how it was when they come back.. A tour guide says, "Let me take you where I've been. Let me tell you what I have gone through. Let me tell you what I know. Let me show you what I've experienced in my life."

When you change your behavior, you change your performance.

Leroy Eims said,

"How can you know what is in your heart? Look at your behavior. There is no better sign of the heart than the life."

The truest test of where a person is going is their behavior. Unfortunately, most people would rather live with old problems than new solutions. We would rather be comfortable than correct; we would rather stay in a routine than make changes. Even when we know that the changes are going to be better for us, we often don't make them because we feel uncomfortable or awkward about making that kind of a change.

Until we can get used to living with something that is not comfortable, we cannot get any better.

When you change your performance, you change your life.

Change makes a person feel alone, even if others are going through it. You say, "Oh, man! Goodness! I know the others are changing, but I don't think they're having the difficulty I'm having.." There is something about the awkwardness and the time that it takes to make proper changes that just seems to isolate you from everyone else, even when a group is going through it together. You just kind of feel, "But my situation's a little bit different, and I think I'm just not quite as fast as the other ones," and there's a tendency to feel isolated, lonely, and withdrawn when you're going through this change.

It is easier to turn failure into success than an excuse into a possibility. A person can fail and turn around and understand their failure, make it a success; but I want to tell you--a person who makes excuses for everything will never truly succeed. I promise you, when you excuse what you are doing and excuse where you are, and you allow the exceptions, you fail to reach your potential.

Don't you know some people who just have an excuse for everything? Why they could not, should not, did not, would not, have not, will not. If "ifs" and "buts" were candies and nuts, we would all have a Merry Christmas. It is impossible to turn excuses into possibilities.

Hope is the foundational principle for all change. People change because they have hope. If people do not have hope, they will not change. You are responsible for the changes that you make in your life, but the good news is, you can make the changes you need to make in your life.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Hobson's choice

Hobson's choice


No real choice at all - the only options being to either accept or
refuse the offer that is given to you.


There is a story that 'Hobson's choice' comes from a Mr. Hobson who
hired out horses and gave his customers no choice as to which horse
they could take. This has all the credentials of a 'folk etymology'
myth but, in this case, the derivation is correct.

A search of Google will return several thousand hits for 'Hobbesian
choice'. The mistaken uses of that phrase, in place of the correct
'Hobson's choice', originate from a confusion between the celebrated
philosopher Thomas Hobbes and the obscure Thomas Hobson, to whom the
phrase refers.

Thomas Hobson (1545–1631) ran a thriving carrier and horse rental
business in Cambridge, England, around the turn of the 17th century.
Hobson rented out horses, mainly to Cambridge University students, but
refused to hire them out other than in the order he chose. The choice
his customers were given was 'this or none'; quite literally, Hobson's

The phrase was already being described as proverbial less than thirty
years after Hobson's death. The Quaker scholar Samuel Fisher referred
to the phrase in his religious text, The Rustick's Alarm to the
Rabbies, 1660:

"If in this Case there be no other (as the Proverb is) then Hobson's
choice ... which is, chuse whether you will have this or none."

The Spectator, No. 509, 1712, explains how Hobson did business, which
shows clearly how the phrase came into being:

"He lived in Cambridge, and observing that the Scholars rid hard, his
manner was to keep a large Stable of Horses, ... when a Man came for a
Horse, he was led into the Stable, where there was great Choice, but
he obliged him to take the Horse which stood next to the Stable-Door;
so that every Customer was alike well served according."

After his death in 1631, Hobson was remembered in verse by no less a
figure than John Milton, saying "He had bin an immortall Carrier".
That seems rather a strange thing to say just after he had died.
Eighty-six was a very good innings in the 17th century, but hardly

The phrase was still well enough known in the 20th century for
'hobsons' to be adopted then as Cockney rhyming slang for 'voice'.

The most celebrated application of Hobson's choice in the 20th century
was Henry Ford's offer of the Model-T Ford in 'any colour you like, so
long as it's black'.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Tax Structure in India- bloody Funny.......


1) Question. : What are you doing?
Answer: Business.

2) Question. : What are you doing in Business?
Answer: Selling the Goods.

3) Question. : From where are you getting Goods?
Answer: From other State/Abroad

4) Question. : What are you getting in Selling Goods?
Answer: Profit.

5) Question. : Where you Manufacturing the Goods?
Answer: Factory.

6) Question. : Do you have Office / Warehouse/ Factory?
Answer: Yes

7) Question. : Do you have Staff?
Answer: Yes

8) Question. : Doing business in Millions?
Answer: Yes

9) Question. : Are you taking out over 25,000 Cash from Bank?
Answer: Yes, for Salary.

10) Question. : Where are you taking your client for Lunch & Dinner?
Answer: Hotel

11) Question. : Are you going Out of Station for Business?
Answer: Yes

12) Question. : Have you taken or given any Service/s?
Answer: Yes

13) Question. : How come you got such a Big Amount?
Answer: Gift on birthday.

14) Question. : Do you have any Wealth?
Answer: Yes

15) Question. : To reduce Tension, for entertainment, where are you going?
Answer: Cinema or Resort.

16) Question. : Have you purchased House?
Answer: Yes

Can I live there without any tax ?

Sorry only a small portion as Muncipal taxes.

17) Question. : How you Travel?
Answer: Bus

18) Question. : Any Additional Tax?
Answer: Yes

19) Question. : Delayed any time Paying Any Tax?
Answer: Yes

20) INDIAN: can I die now??
Answer: wait we are about to launch the funeral tax!!!

21 ) After Death ?

Good News we have abolished Estate duty !!!!!!!!!!!! !!

Never Fail to make an Attempt

It's called Mindset!!

As my friend was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at anytime, break away from the ropes they were tied to but for some reason, they did not. My friend saw a trainer nearby and asked why these beautiful, magnificent animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away.

"Well," he said, "when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it's enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free." My friend was amazed. These animals could at any time break free from their bonds but because they believed they couldn't, they were stuck right where they were.

Like the elephants, how many of us go through life hanging onto a belief that we cannot do something, simply because we failed at it once before? So make an attempt to grow further.... Why shouldn't we try it again?


Phook Theory-A Management Theory........

"PHOOK THEORY":A Very I(nteresting& Effective Management Theory)- Came out of IAF Brain!! two decades ago.

Dear Friends

The attached story was written in a light hearted manner. It is based on a real life experience and was first published by a news paper (I think it was The Tribune) as a middle article in 1990. But for the 'middle' format, I had to reduce it to 600 words, and so I had to remove even some essential details.
The response was overwhelming. Therefore, I converted it into a sort of a management case study entitled,

"The ego-pressure theory of management"

And that was published in a management journal. After that it appeared in several forms. But all that happened many years ago. Upon reading one of its versions, I find that the thought underlying this 'theory' is relevant even today. I have taken the liberty of picking it out of my 'recycle bin'
Please open the attachment if you have about ten minutes to spare.

This hypothesis was enunciated by my brother, AVM Manjit Singh



The literal meaning of the Punjabi word, ˜phook" is air pressure. Metaphorically, it is used to describe an ego-state. Thus, if someone is hogging a lot of ˜phook, he is gassed or brash.

The year, 1988. Location : No 3 Base Repair Depot (BRD),IAF, Chandigarh
The little man who sat as the Air Officer Commanding (AOC) of the BRD was my brother. Our father found him bone lazy, incapable doing any strenuous work. But I suspect he was clever. The Air Force chose to overlook his sloth and let him rise. Now, having completed his course at the National Defense College , it was clear that he was going places. I had gone to the BRD to learn the rudiments of command.

As I entered, the two officers who were sitting in the office took leave of him. He sat there, completely relaxed. There was no paper in the two trays marked IN and: OUT The customary Pending bin was conspicuous by its absence. The walls of the large office were bare. No bar charts, no performance curves. On the table, there was a small hand written paper, which my brother permitted me to see. It said,

I hate work. Even if some one else does it.

It was clear as crystal that my dear brother had not changed. I asked him how he managed such a large outfit. And he said, Come, I will show you And we set off for a darshan of the unit. Wherever we went, people rushed to greet him. He had a word or two to say to every one. In most cases, he let his officers speak. He would then say just a sentence or two, and then move on. But I noticed that his tone was different each time. At one workstation, we saw a tall officer, who had a lot of charts and diagrams, and he gave us a detailed account of his achievements. The curve showed that the output of his shop had tripled since he took over. He was keen to give a lecture to the other officers of the BRD on the management techniques he had employed to achieve those results. My brother gave a cold look to him and said, Yes. You can do that. But first you must improve the quality of your stuff. That gyro-stabilizer which failed in the flight test last month was overhauled here. Right? If the pilot was not alert, you would have his blood on your hands!

Jesus! That six foot tall engineer suddenly looked like a pygmy, and his rose colored cheeks turned yellow, drained of blood, in less than a second!

We next went to another shop. The officer in-charge greeted us. But while he was speaking, my brother's eyes were elsewhere. He noticed that a junior officer had hidden himself behind a chopper. As soon as the briefing was over, he went that way, and called that man out. He gave the meek man a light hug and asked about his ailing wife. The poor soul, who was obviously commissioned from the ranks mumbled something about the shortfall in his production, but the AOC was not interested in those details... The boss told him that he was one of the best officers in the unit and ended by saying, I saw your son playing basket ball yesterday. I think he has a lot of potential. When we left, he clicked his heels and produced one of the smartest salutes I have ever seen.

All through the visit, I observed that my brother was less interested in technology and output and more concerned about the officers and technicians he met. He knew an amazing number of names, and seemed to know all about their specific hopes and aspirations.

When we returned, I asked him what his job, as the Commander. He thought for a while and then he shared his Phook Theory with me. It was like Socrates talking to Plato and I find it more appropriate to recount the dialog verbatim. He taught by asking questions, and I sat like a little child answering as best as I could.

When you are driving a vehicle, what happens if the tire pressure is low?
The acceleration drops, steering becomes hard and the fuel consumption goes up

Right. You must inflate the wheels. Now what happens if the pressure is too high?

The ride becomes bumpy, steering wobbles and an odd tire may burst
Correct. You must immediately pull up to a service station and do the needfulâ

After a sip of the juice which had arrived, he said, This unit is like a vehicle. I am on the driver seat. These officers are the wheelsâ of the vehicle. I have only two jobs, one to steer in the correct direction and two, to ensure that the phook level of all my officers is correct, always and every time. So when I see some one down and out, I boost his spirit and if I find some one bumpy, And to show what he did, he filled air in his cheeks and made a hissing sound, Phusshh

Through my mind's eye, I saw that meek officer hiding behind a chopper get a hug and a tall management a˜guru cut to size. Like a little child, I asked him,But, pray, how do you find whom to pump and whom to deflate?

Ah, well! That is what management is all about! There was another pause, but after that, he became serious. He gave me the most profound lesson of that morning, That is not difficult. One learns it through experience. The tough part is to keep my own phook at the right level. I must not lose my equanimity, no matter what happens. And that is not always easy

Just when I thought the lesson was over, he asked, what is more important, technology or people?
I looked askance, and said, You tell?

His answer was unusual. He said, Technology is for the middle level officers. At my level, it is my colleagues.

His parting words to me were the most profound. He said,

Management is all about people. If you do not like people, do not manage. Engineering has many branches, mechanical, electronics, chemical, aerospace and so on, but the one which is needed for my job is different. It is called, Human Engineering

Armed with the ˜phook theoryI assumed command of the famous ˜Five-O-Nine Army Base Workshop in Agra , in 1989. And immediately, I discovered the problem associated with maintaining my own phook in check. The star plate on the car; the traffic coming to a halt to let my car go; a reception at the Agra Club followed by a function organized at Hotel Clark Shiraz by a citizen forum to welcome me had a way of making me to believe that I had arrived. Some sycophants went on to say that no other commandant had been received that way; and that my posting was an event to remember for the land of the Taj Mahal. It needed a great deal of deliberate effort to keep my feet on the ground, The phook theory helped. I jotted it down and kept it on my table, as a guide. I also applied its tenets to my command, and believe you me, it worked!
Encouraged by the results, I shared this management philosophy with my friends The feedback which I received was positive, and so I began to believe that between me and my brother, we had discovered a new management mantra

And then one day, the sky burst and the earth began to rumble.. A very dear friend who had taken these dictums as gospel truth, rang up to say that the theory had failed completely. He said he was in sh.... My enquiries revealed that there was a near mutiny in his unit. I requested a colleague to tell me as many details as he could get and then I sent the case study to the author of the theory for advice.

My dear brother took less than five minutes to respond. In a tersely worded note he wrote,
Tell your friend to check his pressure gauge. He seems to be deflating people who have nothing left in their lungs and pumping those who were already on the verge of bursting!

Good & True Customer Care Service................

Good & true Customer Service.- A Real incident......Pl. read.

This took place on a BA (British Airways) flight
between Johannesburg and London. A white woman,
about 50 years old, was seated next to a black man.
Obviously disturbed by this, she called the air Hostess.

"Madam, what is the matter," the hostess asked.

"You obviously do not see it then?" she responded.
"You placed me next to a black man. I do not agree
to sit next to someone from such a repugnant group.
Give me an alternative seat."

"Be calm please," the hostess replied. "Almost all the
places on this flight are taken. I will go to see
if another place is available."

The Hostess went away and then came back a few
minutes later. "Madam, just as I thought, there are
no other available seats in the Economy class.
I spoke to the captain and he informed me that there
is also no seat in the business class. All the same,
we still have one place in the first class."

Before the woman could say anything,
the hostess continued:

"It is not usual for our company to permit someone
from the economy class to sit in the first class.
However, given the circumstances, the captain
feels that it would be scandalous to make
someone sit next to someone so disgusting."

She turned to the black man, and said,

"Therefore, Sir, if you would like to, please collect
your hand luggage, a seat awaits you in first class."

At that moment, the other passengers who were
shocked by what they had just witnessed
stood up and applauded.

This is a true story. If you are against racism,
please send this message to all your friends.


Kindness Pays..........................

KINDNESS Pays - Have to wait with perseverence.!

One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his
way through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry.

He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he losthis nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and then asked, "How much do I owe you?"

"You don't owe me anything," she replied "Mother has taught us never
to accept payment for a kindness." He said... "Then I thank you from
my heart."

As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt; stronger
physically, but his faith in God and man was strong also. He had been
ready to give up and quit.

Years later that young woman became critically ill. The local doctors
were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where they called
in specialists to study her rare disease. Dr. Howard Kelly was called
in for the consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came
from, a strange light filled his eyes. Immediately he rose and went down the hall of the hospital to her room. Dressed in his doctor's gown he we nt in to see her. He recognized her at once. He went back to the consultation room determined to do his
best to save her life. From that day he gave special attention to the

After a long struggle, the battle was won. Dr. Kelly requested the
business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked
at it, then wrote something on the edge and the bill was sent to her
room. She feared to open it, for she was sure it would take the rest of her
life to pay for it all. Finally, she looked, and something caught ;
her attention on the side as She read these words.....

"Paid in full with one glass of milk." (Signed) Dr. Howard Kelly.

Tears of joy flooded her eyes as her happy heart prayed: "Thank You,
GOD, that Your love has spread abroad through human hearts and hands."

The Miser's wife..........................

The Miser's Wife -A Wonderful Wife.

There was a man who had worked all his life, had saved all of his money, and was a real "miser" when it came to his money.

Just before he died, he said to his wife, "When I die, I want you to take all my money and put it in the casket with me. I want to take my money to the afterlife with me."
And so he got his wife to promise him, with all of her heart, that when he died, she would put all of the money into the casket with him
Well, he died. He was stretched out in the casket, his wife was sitting there - dressed in black, and her friend was sitting next to her. When they finished the ceremony, and just before the undertakers got ready to close the casket, the wife said,"Wait just a moment!"

She had a small metal box with her; she came over with the box and put it in the casket. Then the undertakers locked the casket down and they rolled it away.
So her friend said, "Girl, I know you were not fool enough to put all that money in there with your husband."

The loyal wife replied, "Listen, I love him very much; I wish to fulfil my husband's last wish". I promised him that I was going to put that money into the casket with him.
"You mean to tell me you put that money in the casket with him!?!?!?"

"Sure I did," said the wife. "I got it all together, put it into my account, and wrote him a check?. If he can cash it, then he can spend it.

W W W W W means........Wow!!!. What a Wonderful, & Wise WIFE"

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Always appreciate.......................


A married lady was expecting a birthday gift from her husband. For
many months she had admired a beautiful diamond ring in a showroom,
and knowing her husband could afford it, she told him that was all
she wanted.

As her birthday approached, this lady awaited signs that her husband
had purchased the diamond ring. Finally, on the morning of her
birthday, her husband called her into his study room. Her husband
told her how proud he was to have such a good wife, and told her how
much he loved her. He handed her a beautiful wrapped gift box.
Curious, the wife opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound
Bhagvad Geetha, with the wife's name embossed in gold.

Angrily, she raised her voice to her husband and said, "With all your
money you give me this Book? And stormed out of the house, leaving her husband.

Many years passed and the lady was very successful in business.. She
managed to settle for a more beautiful house and a wonderful family,
but realized her ex-husband was very old, and thought perhaps she
should go to visit him. She had not seen him for many years. But
before she could make arrangements, she received a telegram telling
her that her ex-husband had passed away, and willed all of his
possessions to her. She needed to come back immediately and take care
of things.

When she arrived at her ex-husband's house, sudden sadness and regret
filled her heart. She began to search through her ex-husband's
important papers and saw the still new Bhagavad Geetha, just as she had left it years before.

With tears, she opened the Bhagavad Gita and began to turn the pages.
Her ex-husband had carefully underlined a verse.

As she read those words, a tiny package dropped from the back of the
Bhagavad Geetha with a Diamond ring, with her name engraved on it -- the same diamond ring which she saw at the showroom. On the tag was the date of her birth, and the words...'LUV U ALWAYS'...

How many times do we miss God's blessings, because they are not
packaged as we expected? I trust you enjoyed this. Pass it on to

Do not spoil what you have, by desiring what you have not; but
remember that what you now have was once among the things you only
hoped for.


"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or
even touched.. They must be felt with the heart.

Inspirational Thoughts

Inspirational Thoughts- Swami Vivekananda.

The Background, the Reality, of everyone is that same Eternal, Ever Blessed, Ever Pure, and Ever Perfect One. It is the Atman, the Soul, in the saint and the sinner, in the happy and the miserable, in the beautiful and the ugly, in men and in animals; it is the same throughout. It is the Shining One.

Teach yourselves, teach everyone his real nature, call upon the sleeping soul and see how it awakes. Power will come, glory will come, goodness will come, purity will come, and everything that is excellent will come, when this sleeping soul is roused to self-conscious activity.

The infinite oneness of the Soul is the eternal sanction of all morality, that you and I are not only brothers – every literature voicing man’s struggle towards freedom has preached that for you – but that you and I are really one. This is the dictate of Indian philosophy. This oneness is the rationale of all ethics and all spirituality.
Swami Vivekananda
(Source: Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda)

The Age...............


George Carlin on age.
(Absolutely Brilliant)


George Carlin's Views on Aging.

Do you realize that the only time in our lives when we like to get old
is when we're kids? If you're less than 10 years old, you're so
excited about aging that you think in fractions.

'How old are you?' 'I'm four and a half!' You're never thirty-six and
a half. You're four and a half, going on five! That's the key.

You get into your teens, now they can't hold you back. You jump to the
next number, or even a few ahead.

'How old are you?' 'I'm gonna be 16!' You could be 13, but hey, you're
gonna be 16! And then the greatest day of your life . . You become 21.
Even the words sound like a ceremony . YOU BECOME 21. YESSSS!!!

But then you turn 30. Oooohh, what happened there? Makes you sound
like bad milk! He TURNED; we had to throw him out. There's no fun now,
you're Just a sour-dumpling. What's wrong? What's changed?

You BECOME 21, you TURN 30, then you're PUSHING 40. Whoa! Put on the
brakes, it's all slipping away. Before you know it, you REACH 50 and
your dreams are gone.

But wait!!! You MAKE it to 60 You didn't think you would!

So you BECOME 21, TURN 30, PUSH 40, REACH 50 and MAKE it to 60.

You've built up so much speed that you HIT 70! After that it's a
day-by-day thing; you HIT Wednesday!

You get into your 80's and every day is a complete cycle; you HIT
lunch; you TURN 4:30 ; you REACH bedtime. And it doesn't end there.
Into the 90s, you start going backwards; 'I Was JUST 92.'

Then a strange thing happens. If you make it over 100, you become a
little kid again. 'I'm 100 and a half!'
May you all make it to a healthy 100 and a half!!


1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and
height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay 'them.'

2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.

3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening,
whatever. Never let the brain idle. 'An idle mind is the devil's
workshop.' And the devil's name is Alzheimer's.

4. Enjoy the simple things.

5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.

6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on.. The only person,
who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are

7. Surround yourself with what you love , whether it's family, pets,
keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.

8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable,
improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.

9. Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next
county; to a foreign country but NOT to where the guilt is.

10.Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,but by the
moments that take our breath away. But do share this with someone. We all need to live life to its fullest each day!!

Remember always, it's not where you have been but where GOD is taking
you right now.

The Law of Capital

The Law of Capital- By Brian Tracy

The Law of Capital - your most valuable asset, in terms of cash flow, is your physical and mental capital, your earning ability.

Your Earning Ability

You may not even be aware that, unless you are wealthy already, your ability to work is the most valuable asset that you have. By utilizing your earning ability to its fullest, you can bring thousands of dollars each year into your life. By applying your earning ability to the production of valuable goods and services, you can generate sufficient money to pay for all the things that you want in life. The amount of money that you are paid today is a direct measure of the extent to which you have developed your earning ability so far.

Use Your Time Well

The first corollary of the Law of Capital says:-

"Your most precious resource is your time."

Your time is really all you have to sell. How much time you put in and how much of yourself you put into that time, largely determines your earning ability. Poor time management is one of the major reasons for poor productivity and underachievement in every industry in America. It is the number one problem for both managers and salespeople in every field.

Invest Yourself Carefully

The second corollary of the Law of Capital says:-

"Time and money can be either spent or invested."

One of the smartest things that you can do is to invest three percent of your earnings every month back into yourself on personal and professional development, on becoming better at the most important things you do. In fact, if you just invested as much in your mind each year as you do in your car, that alone could make you wealthy.

Invest one hour of your time reading in your field every day. Listen to audio programs in your car. Attend every course that can advance you in your career. Get personal and professional coaching to help you to get the very best out of yourself.

Get Better At the Things You Do

There is nothing that will give you a bigger and better "bang" for your buck than reinvesting a part of your time and money back into your capability to earn even more. All wealthy and successful Americans have learned this sooner or later, and all poor and unhappy Americans are still trying to figure it out.

Increase Your Return on Life

The third corollary of the Law of Capital says: "One of the best investments of your time and money is to increase your earning ability."

The purpose of corporate strategic planning is to increase "return on equity" or ROE. This requires organizing and reorganizing corporate activities so that the company is earning a higher return on the capital invested in the organization. In your work life, your personal equity is your mental and emotional capital. Your job then is to earn the highest possible return on your human capital, to increase your "return on energy." This way of viewing yourself must become a key part of your attitude throughout your work life.

Action Exercises

Here are two things you can do to apply this law immediately:

First, take a list of your output responsibilities, the things you do that represent accomplishments, not activities. Examine the list and rank the tasks by priority, on the basis of the value of the work to your company.

Second, take a list of all the things you do, day in and day out. Take this list to your boss and ask him or her to rank your tasks in terms of how valuable he or she considers them to be. Then resolve to work on your most valuable tasks every minute of every day

Have a Healthy and Wealthy Life!!