Wednesday, February 20, 2019


The myth that surrounds the persona of a CEO as a person who never fails has been blown away by the adversities that continuously affected the industry during the past couple of years. The supposedly best have bitten the dust, while some so called non entities have not only proven equal to the task but they have also successfully steered their organization out of the turmoil and put it back on the growth track.
What is the factor that separates the successful CEO from the ones that fail????
It is rarely for lack of smarts or vision. Most unsuccessful CEO s stumble because of one simple, fatal shortcoming. Here is what we are not saying: That failed CEO s are dumb or evil. In fact they tend to be highly intelligent, articulate, dedicated, and accomplished. They worked hard, made sacrifices, and may have performed well terrifically for years.
Nor are we saying execution is the only reason CEO s falter. Sometimes they adopt a strategy so flawed that it's doomed, or they refuse to confront reality in their markets, or they antagonize their board. And when a CEO really goes down in flames, there is almost always more than one reason.
It is clear, as well, that getting execution right will only become more crucial. The worldwide revolution of free markets, open economies, and lowered trade barriers and the advent of e-commerce have made virtually every business far more brutally competitive. The frantic spread of information through technology is making customers everywhere more powerful and pushing toward the commoditization of everything. Institutional investors who now own a substantial portion of equities relentlessly demand results.
One important area of failure for the CEO’s is the failure to put, the right people in the right job, and of course the relative failure to fix problems in time..
Selection & Retention factor.
Sometimes strange anomalies not strictly related to merit become the criteria for selection and retention of an employee. A relatively less confident CEO would avoid recruiting a highly accomplished deputy for the fear that the latter would attract the attention of the governing board and present a viable alternative to the incumbent CEO. A sense of insecurity within often dictates such decisions.
On the other extreme is the highly overconfident CEO, who thinks that he/She can mentor and coach anyone to exacting delivery levels. My man theory comes in to effect here. Here he selects a person who he thinks will remain loyal to him in adversities and not turn tables on him...........................The philosophy of “I would rather take the devil I know, rather than the one I don’t.
Other less important but influencing factor for selecting a person could be, the person creates a positive vibe in the social media, hence a good individual to be around.
The person may be more acceptable to the majority of the members of the governing board. He has successes in a different field, and hence would succeed here also. Sometimes these people are selected in preference, to the home bred executives who have contributed positively to the organization.
Sacking important executives may or may not impact the organization negatively, but retaining non performing ones would definitely, waiting indefinitely in the hope performance will definitely impact the organization negatively. More often than not these deemed success turnout to be reasons for doomed bottom lines & careers.
The CEO’s role extends beyond the bottom lines. It pays to treat employees as stake holders. Making the bottom line your top priority may not be the best way to improve profitability. Recent research shows that CEO s who put stakeholders’ interests ahead of profits generate greater workforce engagement—and thus deliver the superior financial results than  that they have made a secondary goal. This finding is based on survey data gathered from 520 business organizations in 17 countries, many of them emerging markets.
If a CEO’s primary focus is on profit maximization, employees develop negative feelings toward the organization. They tend to perceive the CEO as autocratic and focused on the short term, and they report being somewhat less willing to sacrifice for the company. Corporate performance is poorer as a result. But when the CEO makes it a priority to balance the concerns of customers, employees, and the community while also taking environmental impact into account, employees perceive him or her as visionary and participatory. They report being more willing to exert extra effort, and corporate results improve. 
Inspiring Vision 
Jack Welch, the legendary former CEO of GE was well known for cultivating a breed of successful CEO’s from within, who were not only great success but also contributed to GE for more than a decade as CEO’s. The continuity factor at the top often creates the comfort , and puts them ahead of organizations that don’t have this factor.
It is important to create a vision that inspires and directs the organization. And ensure that, it is broad enough to allow great flexibility. Communicate your vision to everyone in your organization and create an innovation-adept culture environment that encourages entrepreneurial creativity to make the vision a reality.
"Leaders inspire people with clear visions of how things can be done better,“ writes Jack Welch “The best leaders do not provide a step-by-step instruction manual for workers. The best leaders are those who come up with new idea, and articulate a vision that inspires others to act.” 
All said and done, it is still not possible to lay down the formula for the success or the reasons for the failure of the CEO’s. People with early setbacks in life like Steve Jobs have turned out to be great success in later part of their lives & career.
"Lee" Iacocca's  story of the turnaround in Chrysler Corporation is a folklore people never tire of singing. Adversities sometimes throw up leaders that normal circumstances may not.  
Hope all of you have enjoyed reading this article. 
Compiled & Edited By.....
J.KANNAN, M.Com, FIATA (Zurich)


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Know......What is Subjective approach & What is objective approach???

Know......What is Subjective approach & What is objective approach???

Subjective approach is the emotional approach to the subject matter where one interacts with the relating subject matter......Whereas....... Objective approach is the approach where the subject matter has no emotional existence and the observer has the license.... to use.... abuse... and.... destroy........Subjectivity ultimately is Theism and objectivity is ultimately Atheism

Please Read and Know the......Main Causes of Memory Loss....

Please Read and Know the......Main Causes of Memory Loss....
You walk into the kitchen only to realize you have no idea why you’re there, forget the name of someone you just met, start driving only to realize you forgot how to get to where it is that you’re going. Such lapses are usually attributed to an overload of information, but from time to time, other things hinder your ability to remember. Here are the 13 most common causes of memory lapses.
1. Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Similarly to iron, B12 aids in the creation of red blood cells reduces lethargy and the risk of anaemia and improves vital memory processes. A recent study found that Vitamin B12 deficiency may result in erratic memory.
The research found that B12 works as a protective layer for myelin – the substance that coats our nerves. When there isn’t enough B12 in your system, the layer is not thick enough and gets damaged. These damages slow down nerve impulses, which can also lead to memory lapses.
B12 deficiency can be caused by old age – the older we get, our stomach secretes less acid, making it harder for our bodies to absorb nutrients from food. Another cause can be unhealthy diet choices, Anemia, and Crohn’s disease. B12 is most common in fish, meat, and dairy, so consult your doctor about the best of B12 for you.
2. High Blood Pressure.
If you’re under 45 and tend to be “forgetful”, you may want to test your blood pressure. In research conducted at the University of Alabama, it was found that people who have higher blood pressure tend to suffer from memetic lapses, as well as a decrease in cognitive skills when compared to people with normal blood pressure.
High blood pressure damages the inner walls of the arteries, causing them to tear and form scar tissue, which hardens the arteries. Harder arteries allow less blood to travel through them, reducing the amounts needed for the brain to function properly, and may lead to memory problems.
The good news is that a healthy diet, physical exercise, and weight-loss can help reduce the risk of such arterial hardening.
3. Hypothyroidism.
If you’re tired, gaining weight, feeling depressed and your memory is on the fritz, you may be suffering from hypothyroidism.
Hypothyroidism often occurs slowly and gradually, lowering the levels of the hormone thyroxine (T4), which has a critical role in our body’s energy production. Low T4 causes a slower metabolism and slower cognitive functions, causing lapses in memory.
Common causes of hypothyroidism can be autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s, where the body attacks itself. Alternatively, viral infections and even abuse of antibiotics may also induce hypothyroidism.
4. Menopause.
A common theory makes the connection between forgetfulness and menopause with women was recently corroborated. Research conducted by the University of California confirms that as estrogen levels dwindle, memory lapses tend to occur. Estrogen protects neurotransmitters, and without it, they become less efficient. Such cases can be treated with HRT.
5. Migraines.
If you suffer from migraines, you may be at risk of suffering from Transient Global Amnesia (TGA) in your 50’s. TGA is a state where a person cannot recall events from the previous day, cannot remember where they are or how they got there while still remembering who they are and whom other people are.
It is customary to see this type of amnesia as a result of a genetic flaw, leading to a spread of nerve impulses in the brain. TGA can temporarily paralyze the memory, and just migraines can be triggered by sudden immersion in hot or cold water, extreme emotional distress, or even sexual intercourse. Luckily, TGA is not very common, rarely occurs more than once in a lifetime and is reversible.
6. Long Flights.
Long flights can leave us exhausted and weary. These symptoms are usually caused by inconsistent sleep patterns, as well as jet lag.
A University of California researchers discovered that the feeling of drowsiness, memory lapses and the difficulty in processing information can extend for quite some time after the flight, and even after the feelings of jet lag have passed. When we sleep, our hippocampus processes our memories, so not enough sleep can cause memory lapses.
7. Pregnancy.
Pregnant women are often stigmatized as having a bad memory, but in recent research conducted in Australia, researchers compared the performance of pregnant vs. non-pregnant women. The results were conclusive - pregnant women underperformed in memory-related tasks when compared to their non-pregnant counterparts. Researchers hypothesized that the reasons are the changes in lifestyle and diet.
8.. Chemotherapy.
Another unpleasant side effect of chemotherapy is memory loss, often referred to as chemo brain by patients.
The chemotherapy can affect the way brain cells function, as shown in a Stanford University research that showed how women who undergo chemotherapy for breast cancer also suffered memory lapses when compared with those who did not engage in chemotherapy.
This is usually a reversible situation, and memory functions return to normal once chemo is concluded, but in some cases the improvement takes years. Taking aspirin, which increases the blood flow to the brain, can be a good way to prevent or treat “chemo brain”, but you should first consult with your oncologist.
9. Anaesthesia.
When undergoing major operations, anaesthesia is often the only way a patient can go through the procedure without suffering from major trauma. The downside is possible memory loss and reduced cognitive functions in the days following the operation. The University of Florida found that about 40% of patients who were over 60, suffered from memory loss after an operation, and 12.7% suffered serious cognitive problems in the following 3 months.
10. Epilepsy.
Epilepsy is a type of “short circuit” in the brain, causing seizures, and which affects over 50 million people worldwide. During an episode, electrical impulses in the brain get redirected, leading to problems such as temporary loss of motor skills, loss of cognitive functions and, memory loss.
11. Arthritis and Asthma Medication.
Corticosteroids are steroids the body produces and can be taken as treatment of asthma and arthritis. Intake of high doses for a duration of six months or more may lead to memory problems.
Despite being a rare occurrence, corticosteroids can actually kill brain cells and cause cerebral atrophy in the hippocampus, in particular. Changing the dosage can help, but your physician should be consulted with regards to other possible side effects.
12. Depression.
Depression is associated with low levels of chemicals in the brain, such as serotonin or norepinephrine. These chemicals can affect memory-related processes in the brain. Antidepressants and/or psychological treatment can help with the memory problems.
13. Excessive Alcohol Consumption.
The more alcohol you consume, the less capable your brain is to store short term memories. Alcohol affects the hippocampus, reducing its functions, including the formation of new memories, which is why we sometimes forget what we did after we drink.
Long-term alcohol abuse can lead to Korsakoff’s syndrome, where the ability to form short-term memories is lost, making it difficult to recall recent information.
A slow, controlled rehabilitation can stop the process of memory loss for at least 25% of patients.



Know...The Clean and clear fact about the nature......

Know...The Clean and clear fact about the nature......

The Clean and clear fact about the nature is.....If you take a noble and helping mission, you are bound to succeed...Because unseen by us there exists a gigantic and invisible micro-cosm, based on harmony and demanding the harmony of your harmones.........and,,,,, unfortunately, there are always people who try to convert your mission into a joke and they expect you to retreat because they are ridiculing. Remember..later the same people will become your admirers may be even sychopants.......When you succeed.....I have undergone at some occasions similar experience in life.......Enjoya Blissful day....JK



In a famous incident.... Ramana Maharshi shows God to a person.

In a famous incident.... Ramana Maharshi shows God to a person.

Once a person approached Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi and said, “O, Bhagavan, can you show me God?” Ramana Maharshi replied, “I can show you, but I do not know whether you will see Him.”

The man felt insulted and said, “If you can show Him to me, why can I not see Him? I have eyes.”

The man insisted, “No, you show me and I will see.” So Ramana Maharshi sat in front of him.

Then just raised one finger and started moving it from one side to another. Five, ten, fifteen minutes went by. The man was still expecting some vision of God to appear. Finally, the man asked, ‘I thought you were going to show me God. Where is He?”

Ramana Maharshi said, “I told you I can show you God, but you may not be able to see Him.”

The man said, “But you have not shown me anything.”

“For twenty minutes I have been showing you God,” Ramana Maharshi said.

“How can that be?” asked the confused man.

Then Bhagavan raised his finger and asked “What is this?”

“A finger.”

“But what is it doing?”

“It is moving back and forth,” the man replied.

Ramana Maharshi said, “I am showing you God, but you are seeing only a finger. What can I do? That is your problem.”

“But,” the man protested, “anyone will say it is only a finger!”

Ramana Maharshi replied, “If you cut this finger and put it on the table, does it move?”

“No, it does not move.”

“Now, what is it because of which the finger moves?”

“There is life in it”, answered the man

“You see,” said Ramana Maharshi, “at most you can say there is life in the finger, but that life is only an expression of Consciousness. Therefore that which is expressing in this body as life, as sentiency, is God. How can you deny its existence?”



Who actually wrote Vishnu Sahasranamam?..Read this fully & Realise

Who actually wrote Vishnu Sahasranamam?..Read this fully & Realise that Lord Brahma....Vishnu....&..Sakthi are merged in SIVA and represents one and the same....and Lord Siva ever atop to grace and Bless US.

long one.....Yet it is worth reading fully and line by line andclosely review the pictorial images..........JK

It is interesting to contemplate on the circumstances under which Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram came into existence. Yudhishthira, the eldest of the five Pandavas, was mentally depleted because of the war with the Kauravas and the misery of death and suffering that was created by the war in which he had been a major player. Bhishma, his dear grandfather, was lying on his deathbed. With his passing away, his irreplaceable wisdom, based on the experiences of his long life of virtue, righteousness and devotion, was about to be lost to the world. Sage Vyasa and Sri Krishna advised Yudhishthira, who himself was an epitome of righteousness and virtue, to seek the advice of Bhishma on any and all aspects of life on which he had any doubts. Yudhishthira did as advised, and a series of dialogs ensued between the two, witnessed by Lord Krishna Himself, and by other great sages including Vedavyasa.

In one of these sessions, Yudhishthira sought Bhishma's advice on the easiest and best means by which mankind can attain lasting happiness, peace of mind, and relief from all bondage and sorrows. This was the setting in which Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram was imparted, with the welfare of future generations also in mind, by Bhishma to Yudhishthira, as part of the advice given by Bhishma in response to the above question.

The following sloka in the prolog to Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram identifies some important aspects pertaining to the composition of the stotram:

vishnor nama sahasrasya vedavyaso mahamunih |
chandonustup tatha devo bhagavan devaki sutah ||

Sri Vedavyasa is the rishi of Sri Vishnu's one thousand names, i.e., the sage who strung together the thousand names as they were revealed by Bhishma to Yudhishthira. Anushtup (eight syllables per quarter) is its meter. Lord Krishna, the son of Devaki, is the Lord being worshiped.


The above reasons given to illustrate the importance of Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram become all the more obvious when we recount the personalities involved in the events that resulted in the stotram. It was no ordinary person's advice that was sought. No ordinary person was seeking the advice, and at no ordinary person's urging was the advice being sought. Bhishma was the son of the Mother Ganga and a person sanctified by his unswerving devotion to Lord Krishna, and one who had controlled and conquered all his senses. Yudhishthira was the son of Dharma, and himself a practitioner of justice, righteousness, truth, honesty and integrity. Vyasa was the knower of all vedas. Lord Krishna was a witness to the whole event involving the advice and revelation of the easiest and best means to achieve happiness and peace of mind, given by Bhishma to Yudhishthira. As we know, the advice is in the form of Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram. No other justification is needed to recognize the greatness of the education that is imparted to the human race through the medium of Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram by Vyasa and Bhishma.

In the introductory part of the Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram, Yudhishthira asks Bhishma six questions, related to how mankind can attain happiness. These are contained in two stanzas starting with "kim ekam daivatam loke" in the Stotram. These questions are:

1. Who is the One (Supreme) Deity?

2. What is the highest goal of life?

3. By praising which Deity's auspicious qualities will human beings attain prosperity in this world as well as bliss in the next?

4. By meditating on which Deity will human beings attain prosperity in this world as well as bliss in the next?

5. By reciting which mantra will man be released from the bondage of the cycle of birth and death?

6. Of the three means referred to above (i.e., recitation, praise or archana, and meditation), which is the best means for attaining the grace of the Supreme Deity based on your vast experience and knowledge?

Bhishma's response to the above questions follows in the next ten stanzas. In his considered opinion, a person tides over all the sorrows in this world by reciting with undiluted devotion the Thousand Names of the Eternal Person, worshiping Him always with devotion, meditating upon Him, glorifying Him, saluting Him by prostrating before Him, and adoring Him (dhyayan, stuvan, namasyamsca, yajamanas tameva ca).

In summary, Yudhishthira asks Bhishma: "Given my despair and sorrowful state of mind, I want to expend the least effort and get the most benefit out of it, viz. relief from my despair. Please tell me the means for this." And Bhishma's response is "Chant the thousand names of Lord Krishna WITH DEVOTION. This does not require any effort other than the willingness to chant. This is the best way to get relief from all miseries, sorrows, and sins".

Vishnu Sahasranamam.....

Vishnu Sahasranamam..... is a list of 1,000 names (sahasranama) of Vishnu, one of the main deities in Hinduism and the supreme God in Vaishnavism. It is also one of the most sacred and popular stotras in Hinduism. The Vishnu Sahasranama as found in the Anushasana Parva of the Mahabharata is the most popular version of the 1,000 names of Vishnu. Other versions exists in the Padma Purana, Skanda Purana and Garuda Purana. There is also a Sikh version of the Vishnu Sahasranama, found in the text Sundar Gutka. Each name eulogizes one of His countless great attributes.

The Vishnu Sahasranamam has been the subject of numerous commentaries. Adi Shankara wrote a definitive commentary on the sahasranāmam in the 8th century which has been particularly influential for many schools of Hinduism even today. Parasara Bhattar, a follower of Ramanuja, wrote a commentary in the 12th century, detailing the names of Vishnu from a Vishishtadvaita perspective, in the book titled Bhagavath Guna Dharpanam (or Bhagavad Guna Dharpana, meaning reflections of the Lord's qualities). Madhvacharya asserted that each name in the sahasranama has a minimum of 100 meanings.


According to the 135[5] th chapter of Anushāsanaparva (verses 14 to 120) in the epic Mahabharata, the names were handed down to Yudhishthira by the famous warrior Bhishma who was on his death bed (of arrows) in the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Yudhishthira asks Bhishma the following questions:

kimekam daivatam loke kim vāpyekam parāyaṇam
stuvantaḥ kam kamarcantaḥ prāpnuyurmānavāḥ śubham
ko dharmaḥ sarva dharmāṇām bhavataḥ paramo mataḥ
kim japan mucyate jantuḥ janmasamsārabandhanāt

In this universe Who is the one refuge for all? Who is the greatest Lord in the world ? By eulogising whom can a person reach auspiciousness peace and prosperity? By worshipping whom can a person reach auspiciousness......peace and prosperity? What is, in your opinion, the Greatest Dharma of all Dharmas? By chanting whose name, can a "creature" proceed beyond the bonds of samsāra?

Bhishma answers by stating that mankind will be free from all sorrows by chanting the "Vishnusahasranāmam", which are the thousand names of the all-pervading Supreme Being Vishnu, who is the master of all the worlds, the supreme light, the essence of the universe and who is Brahman. All matter animate and inanimate reside in him, and he in turn resides within all matter.


In Sanskrit, sahasra means "a thousand" and nāma (nominative, the stem is nāman-) means "name". The compound is of the Bahuvrihi type and may be translated as "having a thousand names". It is also pronounced sahasranāmam in South India. .

It is said that the one who chants Vishnu Sahasranamam everyday with full devotion, achieves name, fame, wealth and knowledge in his life.


There are Sahasranāma for many forms of God (Vishnu, Shiva, Ganesha, Shakti, and others). The Vishnu Sahasranāma is popular among common Hindus, and a major part of prayer for devout Vaishnavas, or followers of Vishnu. While Vaishanvas venerate other deities, they believe that the universe, including the other divinities such as Shiva and Devi, is ultimately a manifestation of the Supreme Lord Vishnu.

Followers of Shaivism similarly give prominence to Shiva. Despite the existence of other sahasranamas of other forms of God, referring a sahasranama as "The Sahasranama," generally refers to the Vishnu Sahasranamam alone, thereby indicating its wide popularity and use.

Smarta interpretations.....

Two of the names in Vishnusahasranama that refer to Shiva are "Shiva" (names # 27 and # 600 in Adi Sankara's commentary) itself, "Shambhu" (name # 38), "Ishanah" (name #6 4), and "Rudra" (name # 114). Most notably, Adi Shankara, according to one interpretation, has not interpreted these to mean that the deity Shiva and the deity Vishnu are the same. Specifically, he asserts that the deity Vishnu is Brahman itself (not just an aspect of Brahmam). Again, he notes that "only Hari (Vishnu) is eulogized by names such as Shiva", a position consistent with interpretations of the Srivaishnavite commentator Parasara Bhattar. Parasara Bhattar had interpreted Shiva to mean a quality of Vishnu, such as "One who bestows auspiciousness.". In fact, the Shri Rudram, a sacred prayer for Hindus and devotees of Shiva in particular, describes Vishnu as an aspect of Shiva in the fifth anuvaka.

However, this interpretation of the name Shiva has been challenged by Swami Tapasyananda's translation of Sankara's commentary on the Vishnusahasranama. He translates the 27th name, Shiva to mean:"One who is not affected by the three Gunas of Prakrti, Sattva, Rajas,and Tamas; The Kaivalaya Upanishad says, "He is both Brahma and Shiva." In the light of this statement of non-difference between Shiva and Vishnu, it is Vishnu Himself Who Is exalted by the praise and worship of Shiva." Based on this commonly held Advaitan point of view which has been adopted by Smartas, Vishnu and Shiva are viewed as one and the same God, being different aspects of preservation and destruction respectively. As many Sanskrit words have multiple meanings, it is possible that both Vishnu and Shiva share names in this instance, e.g., the name Shiva itself means "auspicious" which could also apply to Vishnu. The Deities Ananthapadmanabha and Shankaranarayana are worshipped by Hindus, as is Lord Panduranga Vitthala, a form of Lord Krishna with a Shiva Linga on his crown, signifying the oneness of both deities.....See the picture below closely!!!

Inline image
Vaishnava interpretations..

However, the Vaishnava commentator, Parasara Bhattar, a follower of Ramanujacharya has interpreted the names "Shiva" and "Rudra" in Vishnu sahasranamam to mean qualities or attributes of Vishnu, and not to indicate that Vishnu and Shiva are one and the same God. Vaishnavas worship Vishnu in his four-armed form, carrying conch, disc, flower and mace in his hands, believing that to be the Supreme form. However, Smarthas do not subscribe to this aspect or personification of God, as Smarthas say that God is pure and thus devoid of form. Additionally, they believe that God is not limited by time nor limited by shape and color. Vaishnava traditions are of the opinion that Vishnu is both unlimited and yet still capable of having specific forms, as to give arguments to the contrary (to say that God is incapable of having a form) is to limit the unlimitable and all-powerful Supreme.

In the Sri Vaishnava tradition, the Bhagavad-gita and the Vishnu Sahasranamam are considered the two eyes of spiritual revelation.

In other Vaishnava traditions too, the Vishnu Sahasranamam is considered an important text. Within Gaudiya Vaishnavism, Vallabha sampradaya, Nimbarka sampradaya and among Ramanandis, the chanting of the names of Krishna and Rama are considered to be superior to that of Vishnu. Based on another verse in the Padma Purana which says that the benefit of chanting the one thousand names of Vishnu can be derived from chanting one name of Rama, and a verse in the Brahma Vaivarta Purana equating the benefit of chanting three names of Rama with one name of Krishna. However, it is important to realize that those verses in those puranas are not to be interpreted literally, as many believe that there is no difference between Vishnu and Krishna. This theological difference can be expressed as follows:

Many Vaishnava groups recognize Krishna as an Avatar of Vishnu, while others, instead, consider Him to be svayam bhagavan, or the original form of the Lord. Yet these verses can be interpreted as it is more important to have pure bhakti or devotion than merely repeating the many names of God without emotion. Indeed, Shri Krishna Himself said, "Arjuna, One may be desirous of praising by reciting the thousand names. But, on my part, I feel praised by one shloka. There is no doubt about it.

Within Vaisnavism some groups, such as Sri sampradaya, adhere to and follow the Rig Veda: V.I.15b.3, which states "O ye who wish to gain realization of the supreme truth, utter the name of Vishnu at least once in the steadfast faith that it will lead you to such realization.

Sandhya Interpretation.....

Sandhyavandanam in many traditions includes the assertion that Shiva and Vishnu are one and the same:

Shivaaya Vishnu Roopaaya Shiva Roopaaya Vishanave |
Shivasya Hrudayam Vishnur Vishnuscha Hrudayam Shivaha ||
Yatha Shivamayo Vishnuhu Yevam Vishnu Mayaha Shivaha |
Yathaantharam Na Paschyaami Thatha Me Swasthi Ra Yushi ||

The popular name and deity ShankaraNarayana reflects this unity.
Interpretations alluding to the power of God in controlling karma....

Many names in the Vishnusahasranamam, the thousand names of Vishnu allude to the power of God in controlling karma. For example, the 135th name of Vishnu, Dharmadhyaksha, in Sankara's interpretation means, "One who directly sees the merits (Dharma) and demerits (Adharma), of beings by bestowing their due rewards on them.

Other names of Vishnu alluding to this nature of God are Bhavanah, the 32nd name, Vidhata, the 44th name, Apramattah, the 325th name, Sthanadah, the 387th name and Srivibhavanah, the 609th name. Bhavanah, according to Sankara's interpretation, means "One who generates the fruits of Karmas of all Jivas for them to enjoy." The Brahma Sutra (3.2.28) "Phalmatah upapatteh speaks of the Lord's function as the bestower of the fruits of all actions of the jivas.

General thoughts....

Sections from Swami Tapasyananda's translation of the concluding verses of Vishnu sahasranama, state the following: "Nothing evil or inauspicious will befall a man here or hereafter who daily hears or repeats these names." That comment is noteworthy. King Nahusha, a once righteous king, ancestor of Yudhishthira, according to excerpt from C. Rajagopalachari's translation of the Mahabharata, became an Indra, king of devas, but was later expelled from Swarga or heaven due to a curse by the great sage Agastya for his eventual gain in pride and arrogance and became a python for thousands of years.

Although devotion is considered the most important thing while reciting any prayer or mantra (Unless used for tantric purposes, where the sound's vibration plays the major role), use of the correct pronunciation is believed by devotees to enhance the satisfaction derived from the recital, in the case of both vocal and mental chants.

Merits of Recitation......

Believers in the recitation of theVishnu Sahasranamam claim that it brings unwavering calm of mind, complete freedom from stress and brings eternal knowledge. A translation of the concluding verses (Phalasruti) of Vishnu sahasranamam, state the following:...... "Nothing evil or inauspicious will befall a man here or hereafter who daily hears or repeats these names.. Whichever devoted man, getting up early in the morning and purifying himself, repeats this hymn devoted to Vasudeva, with a mind that is concentrated on Him, that man attains to great fame, leadership among his peers, wealth that is secure and the supreme good unsurpassed by anything. He will be free from all fears and be endowed with great courage and energy and he will be free from diseases. Beauty of form, strength of body and mind, and virtuous character will be natural to him.... One who chants this hymn every day with devotion and attention attains to peace of mind, patience, prosperity, mental stability, memory and reputation.... Whoever desires advancement and happiness should repeat this devotional hymn on Vishnu....Never will defeat attend on a man who adores the Lotus-Eyed One (Kamala Nayana), who is the Master of all the worlds, who is birthless, and out of whom the worlds have originated and into whom they dissolve."

In orthodox Hindu tradition, a devotee should daily chant the Upanishads, Gita, Rudram, Purusha Sukta and Vishnu sahasranama. If one cannot do all this on any day, it is believed that chanting Vishnu sahasranama alone is sufficient. Vishnu sahasranama can be chanted at any time, irrespective of gender.

Varahi Tantra says that in the age of Kali yuga, most stotras are cursed by Parashurama and hence are ineffective. While listing the ones which are free from this curse and hence suitable during Kali Yuga, it is said, "Gita of the Bhishma Parva, Vishnu Sahasranama of Mahabharata and Chandika Saptashati' (Devi Mahatmyam) are free from all Doshas and grant fruits immediately in Kali Yuga."

The Power of the Vishnu Sahasranama...

Sahasranama means 1000 names. The nameless has 1000 names. The number 1000 is only figurative because Lord has infinite names. Thousand is symbolic of myriad or numerous. Before commencing the Vishnu Sahasranama, one has to meditate on the cosmic form of Lord Vishnu. By chanting the Lord’s 1000 names or at least by listening to it, one can achieve his/ her goals.

Lord Vishnu is “Visveswara” – the one who reigns over the globe, the one who is supreme. In the Bhagvad Gita, Lord Krishna says, “I am the beginning, the middle and the end”. If we start visualizing that everything that is good in this world has some element of divinity in it, then we are progressing on the path towards salvation. Whenever we chant “Om”, it is a reverence to Lord Krishna as well...Lord it goes without mentioning that lord Shiva is PERVASIVE....

“Anything that is glorious, brilliant or powerful is a manifestation of my effulgence.”

God’s glory is great. He is endowed with abundance of virtue, knowledge and dispassion. By worshipping God, we are rid of our obsessions with the world – we are experiencing a form of mukti or freedom.

According to the Vishnu Sahasranama, it is wrong to discriminate between Shiva and Vishnu. Shiva is the destroyer, Brahma is the creator and Vishnu is the protector.

It is said – “Sarvam Vishnu mayam jagath” well "SARVAM SIVAMAYAM"........See the Shivalingham below and please for heaven's sake do not discriminate between Vishnu & Siva.....In fact & in Truth...Brahma, Vishnu... Sakthi...are merged in SIVA as would be evident in the image i.e in Shivalinga..below.

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