Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Life is short..... Live it..... Love is rare...&.... Grab it.

Life is short..... Live it..... Love is rare...&... Grab it.

There are many ways you can feel successful in life and many signs that you are being a success in life. Here are 20 Signs You are Succeeding In Life Even If You Don’t Feel You Are... and you will feel good about yourself.

1. Your relationships are less dramatic than they used to be.
Drama is not maturity. As we age, we should develop maturity. So may be your relationships were drama-filled in your past, but if you have moved beyond that, then you are successful.

2. You are not afraid to ask for help and support any more.

Asking for help does not equal weakness. In fact, it is a strength. No person has ever succeeded in isolation. It takes teamwork to accomplish goals. Asking for help is a sign that you have grown as a person.

3. You have raised your standards.

You don’t tolerate bad behaviour any more – from other people, or even yourself. You hold people accountable for their actions. You don’t spend time with the “energy vampires” in your life anymore.

4. You let go of things that don’t make you feel good.

No, this is not narcissistic even though it might seem like it. Self-love is success. Love yourself enough to say ‘no’ to anything that does not make you happy, does not serve your purpose, or drags you down.

5. You appreciate who you see in the mirror.

Ideally, you should appreciate who you see in the mirror at every moment. But even if that does not happen, if you do it more than you used to, then that is success. Love yourself. You are awesome.

6. You have learned that setbacks and failure are part of life.

Not everyone can have success 100% of the time. That is just not realistic. Life is about victories and losses. So look at your setbacks as stepping stones to something better. In reality, there really is no such thing as as setback. It is all just part of a wondrous journey.

7. You have people who would do anything for you.

If you have figured out the people who “have your back” and recognised the ones who only pretend that they do, then you have succeeded. This is a painful realisation, but once you learn to see the signs of betrayal, you can stay away from those people.

8. You don’t complain much.

Because you know there really is nothing to complain about. Unless you really have gone through some horrific life experience and had unimaginable losses, most of what we all experience on a day-to-day basis is just mundane. And successful people know that. And they live in a space of gratitude.

9. You can celebrate other people's successes.

Just because other people succeed, that does not make you a failure. Applaud the people who rise to the top. The more positive energy you give to other people’s victories, the more you will create your own.

10. You have passions that you pursue.

You are not stagnant. You know you have something wonderful to contribute to the world. You have unique talents and gifts. Not only do you know that, you pursue it.

11. You have things to look forward to.

If you don’t have exciting things going on in your life that you are eagerly anticipating, then you are slowly dying inside. Successful people create goals that they are passionate about pursuing. They let this excitement drive their life.

12. You have set goals that have come true.

Even though “failures” are a part of life, you have stuck to your goals and dreams long enough to make them come to fruition. You have some tastes of victory. It fuels you.

13. You have empathy for others.

A person without empathy is dead inside. Empathy equals spreading love and positive energy into the world. Successful people know this. They love others as if they are a part of the family.

14. You love deeply and open yourself up to others.

Love is risky, and sometimes scary for people. It is the one thing we all strive for, but it is also intimately tied to the one thing we fear the most – rejection. If you open your heart enough to love and be loved, then you are successful.

15. You refuse to be be a victim.

You know that life does not always happen to you. Many times, you are a co-creator of your life experiences. Successful people know this and refuse to be kept down by life experiences. The rise up and conquer anyway.

16. You don’t care what other people think.

You know you can’t please everyone. You know that the standards with which society judges people is many times unrealistic. So you just keep true to yourself and love the person you are.

17. You always look on the bright side.

Life can be full of disappointments – if you choose to see them that way. Otherwise, they are learning opportunities. No negative experience is ever wasted as long as you learn from it.

18. You accept what you can not change.

Let us face it – there are many things you can’t change in life. All you can change is how you view what happens. If you can change your negative perspective on situations to a positive one, then you are successful.

19. You change the things you can.

And let us face it again – there are many things you can change in life. Successful people don’t sit around accepting the negatives that are changeable. They get out there and do something about it!!

20. Most importantly - You are happy.

To me, this is the ultimate definition of success. It does not matter what the balance is in your bank account, how big your house is, or how many fancy vacations you take. If you are happy, then you are succeeding in life.

Anyone can make you smile, many people can make you cry,
but it takes someone really special to make you smile
with tears in your eyes.

So, what exactly do our dreams reveal?

Our dreams can reveal our subconscious, or can simply be random. We average between 3 to 7 dreams every night. We dream for up to 2 / 3 hours each night, and 90% of the dream is lost the first minute we wake up. You can’t dream and snore at the same time.



Wednesday, January 16, 2019

You Really Need To Sleep Well If You Want To Lose Weight!

You Really Need To Sleep Well If You Want To Lose Weight!

Who doesn’t want a slim and trim waist? Everyone does. This might come as a shocker, but this new research says that too little sleep can contribute to a large waistline. For the experiment research included 11 studies with a total of 172 participants. The participants who were sleep deprived consumed an average of 385 more calories a day. That is almost equal to the calories in about four and a half slices of bread.
People who slept less had higher fat and lower protein intake than those who got enough sleep, but both groups had similar carbohydrate intake. Sleep deprivation can actually have a major effect on how many calories people actually burn.
"The main cause of obesity is an imbalance between calorie intake and expenditure and this study adds to accumulating evidence that sleep deprivation could contribute to this imbalance. So there may be some truth in the saying 'early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy and wise," said senior study author Gerda Pot. She is with diabetes nutritional sciences division at King's College London and Vrije University in Amsterdam.


World’s five most expensive precious metals......

Once ‘the most hated metal’, silver is now in an uptrend...

The precious metal silver is seeing a strong start in 2019, with prices near their highest levels in almost six months. It is a great buying opportunity for investors now, metal analysts say. Continued financial market volatility and a weaker US dollar should continue to support silver prices, according to Mike McGlone, senior commodity strategist at Bloomberg Intelligence.

He was cited by Kitco News as saying that silver's weakness in the second half of last year was a “failed bear-market raid.” However, the metal’s resilience in the face of extreme weakness could mark a long-term bottom for the precious metal as buying momentum picks up.

World’s five most expensive precious metals......

If you think gold or silver are the most expensive metals in the world because we call them “precious,” you are wrong. Here is a list of five most valuable metals.


The extremely rare, valuable and silvery-colored metal, Rhodium is the most expensive metal. To give you the big picture, one ton of the Earth’s crust contains about 0.001g of this metal. Rhodium has a high melting point and an amazing ability to withstand corrosion. The metal is commonly used for its reflective properties in items such as mirrors, searchlights and jewelry. It is valuable within the automotive industry and in some industrial fields. The largest producers of rhodium are South Africa, Russia and Canada.


This metal’s name is derived from the Spanish term platino which means ‘little silver.’ It is known as a dense, malleable, highly unreactive and non-corrosive metal. Platinum is widely used in jewelry due to its lustrous appearance and remarkable resistance. It is also used in dentistry, weaponry and aeronautics. South Africa, Russia, Canada and other mineral processing countries are among the largest producers of the precious metal.


Gold is the easiest precious metal to recognize because of its unique color. It remains one of the most popular metals and investment options. It is popular because of its color, malleability, and conductivity. The world’s most well-known metal is used in jewelry, electronics, radiation shielding, and thermal insulation. Major sources of gold extraction are South Africa, United States, China, Australia and Russia.


Ruthenium is one of the platinum group metals. All metals of this element family are considered precious metals because they are typically found together in nature and share similar properties. Its characteristics include hardness, rarity and ability to withstand outside elements. Ruthenium is popular in the field of electronics as a way to effectively plate electrical contacts. The largest producers include Russia, North America, and South America.


One of the densest metals, Iridium is the most extreme member of the platinum group. It has one of the highest melting points and is the most corrosion-resistant element. The metal is processed from platinum ore and as a by-product of nickel mining. The largest producer of Iridium is South Africa. It is used in pen nibs, watches, jewelry, compasses, electronics, in medicine and the automotive industry.


Attitudes are contagious.!!!!.....Are yours worth catching??

Attitudes are contagious.!!!!.....Are yours worth catching??

Use..... these... in... life



















Celebrate a superb Makarsankranthi......&.......Enjoy a delicious Pongal with your near and dear ones. JK



The Journey Begins From.... "I".... And Ends In... "WE"....

The Journey Begins From.... "I".... And Ends In... "WE"....
This, then, is the final state of our journey.... to recognize everything belongs to Him, and not to our little ego.
The disillusion of possessiveness and pride will disappear, and we will discover that this search for pleasure, fame and recognition, and all the struggles born of it are just a case of ‘searching for the right thing at the wrong place.’The search has been right but the method to obtain it was wrong.
We search for the infinite in the finite, for the unlimited in the limited and for the eternal peace and joy in the momentary objects and person. After all trials and tribulations we discover that infinite can be found only in the infinite.
Having reached that stage, one arrives at the end of the journey which begins from ‘I’ and ends in ‘we’. The seeming "I" indeed becomes seeming and the journey reaches its culmination in "we".....&.... Such a person is spontaneously selfless, strong and compassionate – and what else can make one spiritual?