Monday, February 27, 2006

Thought Management-A Life Time Gift


Let me begin the topic with a stanza: -

The intake of food effects your moods and affects your thinking
The thinking effects your mind and affects your vibrations
The vibrations effects your path and affects your living and
The right vibrations will lead you to right thinking and living.


To summaries above: -

The “inputs” determines the “output”...........Have good inputs of food
Good inputs of thoughts and associations, to bring about
Good vibrations to lead you to the right destination of life
In the right manner and through right and righteous path.

This is not a philosophical concept but a practical solution for a better, harmonious and happy living.

Every thing we see and experience in today’s world is as a result of: -

What you think
Why you think
How you think
When you think

Many of you must have read and studied a lot on various topics on Management and have earned degrees and doctorates in various subjects in management as there are number of leading management schools and institutes imparting coaching in management subjects across the globe- yet it is desirable to know some thing about” THOUGHT MANAGEMENT”

No management institutes/schools can impart coaching in thought management for simple reason that there is an institute of thoughts embedded in every human being, generating thoughts and all that’s needed is to manage these thoughts through chanalising in the right direction within the mind and body before brining it out in the form of actions. That’s why it is being emphasized that one need not attend to any management institute/school to know and learn on THOUGHT MANAGEMENT. It is a self-study and self-mastering subject and once you master it you are the emperor your kingdom (i.e. your body and mind) with all things you would like to achieve to better your living under your control and command.

Now before trying to manage the thoughts, let’s understand how to create vibrant, stimulant, creative and precious thoughts within us.

Please always remember the “inputs” determines the” output” formula.

Morning wake-up: The way you begin your day determines the way you live your day. The first one hour from time you wake up little early in the morning are most valuable moments with profound influence on the remaining of your day and if this precious time is put to use with wisdom and self discipline you will think only purest of thoughts and link only the finest of action, and at the end of this precious hour, you will notice and rejoice to understand that you are going to have a great and marvelous day ahead of you.

Intake of food: -Do not ever put anything less than the best into your body while eating. This will enable you to increase your energy level, maintain perfect health and keeps your moods in perfect harmony. The following items are a must in your daily diet menu: -

Fresh Fruit Juice: Start the morning with a glass of fresh fruit juice. It Increases high-energy level keeps you active and helps to maintain an “Offbeat” mood.

Daily intake of normal food: Make it less greasyand cholosteral in oprder to maintain a high level of motivation and effectiveness. Add green vegetables in your daily menu-this will keep your bodily systems light and cool. Avoid root vegetables as far as possible (with an exception to white and red radish) as it makes you lousy, feel heavy and could lead to gastric related issues. Home made fresh vegetable soups (not the one ready to boil and use stacked in stores) recommended before supper and to end the supper, some fresh fruits of your choice like apple, plantain, oranges etc. This will keep your digestive system in undisturbed condition and you will bodily feel quite light.

Living Environment: Keep your living environment serene and moderately creative. Get up in the morning with good memories and experience of life. Earmark a tiny and cozy corner exclusively for you without any interference and disturbance (could be in a corner of your bedroom, living room or prayer room) for concentration and meditation. This place must be put to its desired use twice in a day first thing in the morning as you wake up and last thing i.e. before you retire to sleep. Now coming to meditation, according to me there is no hard and fast rule, as so many teachers/tutors of meditation has devised their own methods- ultimately it is gradually and in a phased manner bringing your concentration to the focal point between the center of your two eye brows (called meditation point) keeping in mind a divine/serene object and slowly bringing to the meditation (focal) point, retain it there as long as you are able to and then relax mentally and bodily. You will have a feeling of floating with no feeling of body weight. For sitting posture too, there is no hard and fast rule as it depends upon physical /health conditions, age factors etc. What matters are concentration, focus and keeping up of regular timings and these cannot be subject to any compromise.

Maintain good and friendly association so that it matches for you to achieve your life’s goal. Change yourself to circumstances and environments rather than trying the other way.

Work place: You spent a quite a lot of your time in the work place and therefore it is essential that this place remains conducive and congenial to work. Maintain excellent rapport and relationship with all i.e. your sub-ordinates, colleagues, and superiors and boss- in spite of what they are and what moods they are in. Always bear in mind that you have taken steps to change your way of living for good and not to change others minds and moods. At the end of the day you must return home happy contended and justified with your actions and reactions at work place.

Back home to be with your lovable and loving ones: Once you are back home after completing the hectic commitments of the work place, it is essential and be prepared to have an interactive session with your family members. Narrate your days experience/incidents with your wife and child (ren), get feed back from them, Ascertain from them their homely/work place/school/college experience and place your suggestions and opinions if they need from you. Discuss your and their future plans and visions and find a way out to reach the goals set forth by every one in your family (Mind you that this is also a team work and effort and not from commercial /trade point of view but purely from bonded blood knit relationship scenario) Keep in mind that a meal a day together with your family members should form a habit-come what may and this together eating meal should be filled with fun and enjoyment. Otherwise what’s the purpose behind life and living, supposed to be with caring and sharing? Please do not make your life with mundane hectic and herculean activities unrelated to family relationships, affinity and harmonious living. Please ensure to spend at least an hour after joint dinner with your family, (particualarly with your wife and child (ren), engaging all of them in useful and fruitful discussions relating to present and future.

With the above suggested principles and activities, in routine manner good thoughts will be generated in the mind for simple reasons that you have tuned your body and mind in perfectly good harmony.

Now we are coming to the fag end of the subject i.e. how to retain and manage such good thoughts. Adhere to the following guideline principles in your day-to-day living and experience the amazing and marvelous changes that will shake up your undesirable and unwanted thoughts and wake up memorable and good thoughts.

Do not lose the touch with the purpose of living.
Do not lose touch with harmony.
Do not lose touch with humanity.
Do not forget what good, life is all about.
Do not forget to have amity and happiness with your near and dear
Do not find fault with others, instead rectify the faults in you.
Accept all that comes to your life as it is, without grudge or greed.

And last but not least

Count your blessings and not disguise.


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