Monday, September 03, 2007


One should never postpone anything that has to be done, as” procrastination is thief of time”. Do not allow even a moment to be stolen from you. If you keep an account of the number of times you say, ‘I should have done this yesterday’ or I should have been more cautious and careful before, then you will realize that when you had the opportunity, you let it slip by, saying, I will do it tomorrow, or next week, or next month or next year and so on.

Always remember the simple fact that “What you have to do today, do it today or else To-day will become, yesterday by tomorrow.”

Here is a simple tip to follow. Spend half an hour alone with yourself soon after waking up and use part of this time for contemplation, for prayer and the rest of the time reflect on the purpose of your life, what and where your duty is. Do not allow the mind to say, “you cannot allow spend this time. If you persist in this, you will find that the mind learns to enjoy this half an hour without any useful purpose.

Spend some time alone before retiring to slumber at night, Now review the day, see how much of your precious life (time) you have wasted and how fast you slipped from the resolves made in the morning and how you can correct this so that you once more regain self control, self confidence and a purposeful direction in your life.

The only way to make the best use of today is to live in the present, purposeful as well useful for self and others.


lalli said...

hello sir,
hw r u? long time no see..:(srry!Ibibo has taken all our times! btw hwz u doing? i'll go thru all ur post leisurely plz...

J.KANNAN said...

Dear Lalli,
Thanks a lot for remembering. Hope u nd ur husband r doing well. 'Am now in Bangalore as my son & daugther-in-law hv come for vacation from overseas and I will be bk to Chennai by coming Tues day.
I bid bye to Ibibo long time ago and thereafter did not even open the site. I hv plenty of subjects in mind tio write nd will concentrate only after my son & DIL's return.

Thanks a lot for reading my postings. I wish You read atleast selected ones and 'am sure that you will like them.

Thanks & Regards and all the best to you and your family.