Thursday, October 25, 2007

Way to Emancipation:-

Self realisation is the birth right of everyone.Bondage and Release are only modifications of the mind and for an ego-less person neither bondage nor release applies.

The main obstacle for a person is the very thoughts, "I have not realised',and 'am in bondage". Therefore, please do not entertain such thoughts. Any one can conquer the mischievous ego and attachment and rise to the lofty heights of realisation, be it a house holder or a person with enormous wordly activity. It is not an exclusive rights of recluses or ascetics. The wise person who transcends duality never gets confused as he would not be besmirched by any other desire. For instance ,a bird having come to know and see the tree on which it has built its nest, is going to be chopped off, it hastens to abandon the tree and looks for an alternative one. Similar is the case with man and he should understand that life in the world is short, he should give up his attachment to the temporal blessings and develop dispassion for leaving this world as a free man when the call comes.

One's own true nature is abiding in absolute consciousness in which is comprised the whole universe with all its diversities.By investigating the 'I', the self is reached as the investigator himself becomes the self reached, any further investigation discontinues and the mind is destroyed in the process. It is just like this, a thief posing himself to be a policeman, running to catch a thief and being caught as the thief himself ultimately.For intense practice solitude need not be the back ground , as whenever we remain by turning our mind inward we can feel solitude in the midst of noisy surroundings, and if the mind is properly tamed, we may even remain undistracted by the worst of agitations. The ego begins to flee away from its hold on the non-self and gets merged in the Absolute consciousness.The ego-self in the act of tracing its source ends in perceiving the Self.

Self is latent in us but not manifest due to our ignorance. In other words , it could be said that the self is present in all things and by enquiry into yourself, you are churning out the Truth.By reading and enquiring into the "Ancient Wisdom", handed down to men by the God who is the source of all wisdom, the mystery of the self is revealed to the aspirants. With faith,care and reverence one should learn the scriptures and it is better, concentrate more on the Master's instructions, as it will immensely help to attain the Self-Realisation which is the climax of human attainment.

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