Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What is Life & What is after Life?

What is Life and what is after Life?

“Life is for living with-


Needs utmost attention and concentration while reading, keeping in mind the topic

. Source Part I- "Life after Death by Swami Vivekananda IS THE SOUL IMMORTAL?

In the famous and great Sanskrit epic “MAHABHARATA”, the story goes like this, Dharma asked Yudishthira to tell what was the wonderful thing in the world? The reply came that it was the persistent belief of mankind in their own deathlessness in spite of their witnessing death everywhere around them almost every, moment of their lives. This is the most stupendous wonder in human life. In spite of all the arguments to the contrary urged in different times by different schools of thought, in spite of the inability of reason to penetrate the veil of mystery which will ever hang between the sensuous and the super sensuous world, man is thoroughly persuaded that he cannot die

We may study all our lives and in the end fail to bring the problem of life and death to the plane of rational demonstration, affirmative or negative. We may talk, write, preach or teach for or against the permanency or impermanency of human existence as much as we may like, may become violent or partisans of this side or that, may lull ourselves into a momentary rest under the delusion of having solved the problem once for all, may cling ourselves with all our powers to curious religious superstitions –but in the end we find ourselves playing an eternal game in the bowling alley of reason and rising intellectual pin after pin only to be knocked over again and again. Behind all these mental strain and stress, not infrequently productive of more dangerous results than mere games, stands a fact unchallenged or unchallengeable, the fact, the wonder, which the epic points out as the inability of our mind to conceive our own annihilation. Now before trying to understand what this curious phenomenon means, it is better to note that upon this one fact the whole world stands

The permanence of the external world is inevitably joined to the permanence of the internal and however plausible any theory of the universe may seem which asserts the permanence of the one and denies that of the other, the theorist himself will find that in his own mechanism not one conscious action is possible, without the permanence of both internal and external worlds being one of the factors in the motive cause. Although it is true that when the human mind transcends its own limitations, it finds duality reduced to an indivisible unity, on this side of the unconditioned, the whole objective world-that is to say, the world we know, is and can be alone known to us as existing for the object and therefore we would be able to conceive the annihilation of the subject we are bound to conceive the annihilation of the object so far it is plain enough. But now comes the difficulty. I cannot think of myself ordinarily as anything else but a physical body.

My idea of my own permanence includes my idea of myself as a body, but the body is obviously impermanent, as is the whole of nature a constantly vanishing one. Where, then, is this permanence? There is one more wonderful phenomenon connected with our lives, without which who will be able to live? Who will be able to enjoy life a moment?-

the idea of freedom.

This is the idea that guides each footstep of ours and makes our movement possible, determines our relations to each other-nay, is the very warp and woof in the fabric of human life. Intellectual knowledge tries to drive it inch by inch from its territory, post after post is snatched away from its domain and each step is made fast and iron bound with the rail-readings of CAUSE AND EFFECT. But it laughs at all our attempts and keeps itself above all these massive pile of law and causation with which we tried to smother it to death! How can it be otherwise?

The limited always requires a higher generalization of the unlimited to explain itself. The bound can only explained by the free, the caused by the uncaused. But again the same uncaused, again the same difficulty exist. What is free? The body or the mind ?It is apparent to all that they are as much bound by law as any thing else in the universe. The problem resolves itself into this dilemma:- i.e. either the whole universe is a mass of never ceasing change and nothing more, irrevocably bound by the law of causation, not one particle having a unity of itself, yet is curiously producing an ineradicable delusion of permanence and freedom or, there is in us and in the universe something which is permanent and free, showing that the basal constitutional belief of the human mind is not a delusion.

Now it is the duty of the science to explain facts by bringing them to a higher generalisation.Any explanation, that first want to destroy a part of the fact given to be explained in order to fit itself to the remainder, is not scientific, whatever else it may be. Therefore, any explanation that wants to over look the fact of this persistent and all necessary idea of freedom, commits the above mentioned mistake of denying a portion of the fact , in order to explain the rest is therefore wrong. The only other alternative possible then is to acknowledge, in harmony with our nature, that there is something in us which is free and permanent. But it is not the Body or the mind, as the body is dying every minute and the mind is constantly changing .The body is a combination and so is the mind and as such can never reach to a state beyond all change. But beyond this momentary sheathing of gross matter , beyond even the finer covering of the mind is the "Atman", the true self of man, the permanent and ever free. It is this freedom that his freedom percolating through layers of thought and matter, is ever asserting its unshackled existence, it is His deathlessness, His bliss, His peace, His divinity that shines out and makes itself felt in spite of the thickest layers of ignorance. He is the real man, the fearless one, the deathless one and he is free. Therefore freedom is possible only when no external power can exert any influence and produce any change. Freedom is only possible to the being that is beyond all conditions, all laws, all bondages of cause and effect. In other words the unchangeable alone can be free and immortal. This being the truth, this "Atman", this real self of man, the free, the unchangeable, is beyond all conditions and as such it has "neither birth nor death". Without birth or death, eternal ever existing is the "SOUL OF MAN" The answer to the? Is soul immortal? has now been explained

Now having known the Life after death let’s understand astral world’s life.

Part II


A recommended reading, for those who seek Love, Liking, Reality, Peace and Tranquility in mind in life.

Death is nothing but you leave your physical body in a mortal state, leaving this real world and commencing your fast journey towards astral world in the astral form. The mortal remain are either consigned to flames or buried under the earth according to one’s religious belief and faith following certain rituals. Therefore one has to accept the truth and understand the reality that the body (mortal remains) has been disposed off. Your journey from real world to astral world begins and you reach there in momentous pace

There is nothing to fear about it as it has to happen and will happen to everyone without any exception and be prepared to welcome it when it comes to you, with out any fear and stare. There is nothing to worry or fear in the astral world unlike real world. As a matter of fact one will find the astral world more beautiful and glorious than the real world. You enjoy a greater amount of freedom and confidence, nothing can hurt you, pierce you, water cannot drown you, fire cannot destroy you and you keep your body of LIGHT (SOUL) unobstructed by any objects. All that you have to do is realize this truth and have a glimpse at it at the realm of death. In this real world you were in real form and in the astral world you are in the astral form with a higher dimensions than the real world, with no pains, no diseases and with no yawn for gains and material possessions and attachments

. Astral world is a free world and you are at your will to move around freely without any hurdles and obstacles, as you are free from physical form. Life is eternal and there is no end to life. It only changes the outer form and the SOUL remains immortal and affirm but changes its attire after some years (cannot be precise) i.e., to say the SOUL reincarnates in different physical body. Now you may have a doubt as to why the soul has to undergo another real worldly incarnation?

The reasons are many and one of the main reasons is, the way one has lived his life in the real world. The soul enters the physical body of those who left the real world with unfulfilled desires. In the normal course, at the end of ones life span, the physical body becomes worn out and makes it incapable of sustaining life by illness, accidents etc. the mind becomes weary and unable to endure any longer and the BODY goes and the SOUL remains. Your reaching to astral world is very fast as already mentioned earlier and your experiences there will be based on the kind of life you have lived in the real world.

Those who lived a worldly life with too much of attachment and importance to sensual pleasures, sedations, evil acts etc.and thereby having lead a degraded life, will be put to a semi conscious state in the astral world and will remain there for a considerably longer period where he will not be aware of the glory, beauty, spirituality and freedom that exists there for enjoyment, and the semi conscious state will continue until he reincarnate again in a physical body and one who lead a good and descent life on the real world, rest in the astral world for a short while and becomes conscious of his astral self.

The astral body of every one is comprised of light and will emit light. If one is highly involved in Karma the light will be very brilliant and beautiful, if contrary the light will be dim. You must have observed, while you come across some people, have glittering and brilliant, face glowing with goodness with consciousness of God while some with dull, dim and dark face, this has nothing to do with the skin complexion, but got to do with the reflections of astral form, psychological and spiritual qualities a soul manifests under the conditions of the real world living. Now the question arises as to how long one will remain in the astral world?

This again depends upon individual and the kind of life he lived in the real world. In the real world, in order to feel totally rested some needs 3 hours of sleep, some 6 hours and some 8 hours and some even beyond that. The same principle is applicable at astral world too. Some needs a longer rest, some needs a short rest, and yet some needs a very short rest before they return to work to their material karma. It differs from individual to individual depending on their karma (THE RESULTS OF ACTIONS OF LIFE/ LIVING & THE THEORY OF INEVITABLE CONSEQUENCES OF LIFE/LIVING). and desires. Once the karmic time of an individual comes to an end and he started feeling of weariness and unfulfilled desires of real world and begins to pull his consciousness and he is ready to come back to the real world thorough some physical body and this is called RE-BIRTH and is attracted to a family compatible with his karma (The results of actions of past life in the real world) One takes re-birth into the real world with astral vibratory qualities according to divine laws by attracting the parents and families according to ones Karma and that of parents. Please remember “any thing you have in this world and everything you do not have in this world is not the result of any mistake of nature or punishment of God “ Each one of has been merited by our past behaviour and conduct in our living and makes us what we have now.

There fore it is imperative to follow the scriptures that say “Speak no evil, hear no evil and do no evil”- to condense all these three acts into one and to make it simple

‘Think no evil”

. It is not only for the benefit in this life but also for the lives to come and consider it as your investment for your own future. The two powerful forces in the world are Love and Hate-the expressions of duality. These are very strong in human life. If one has loved another deeply and purely these forces will draw the souls together again and will certainly meet again those who have loved deeply. It is natural to feel sadness over the loss of loved ones but one should not grieve irrationally. There is period for mourning, observe it. There are times to perform rituals perform it. Keep the astral body of the loved ones left you, happy and at peace with your act and conduct Life after death is a very vast subject to explain and are somewhat like endless, think for yourself, get into introspection daily and you will know the life and life after death in more details.

A quote on the subject to ponder over

“The skeptic says, “I will believe it when I see it”. The mystic says, “ I will see it when I believe it”



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