Saturday, January 31, 2009

What is the centralPurpose of mariage.....................................Pl read to know more

"What Is the Central Purpose of Marriage? Duties of a Husband-AN IDEAL

The two purposes of marriage are: the mutual support, both spiritual
and material, of man and wife; and bringing children into the world.
Marriage is a religious sacrament, a human contract and a civil

Through marriage, a man and a woman each fulfill their dharma,
becoming physically, emotionally and spiritually complete. He needs
her tenderness, companionship and encouragement, while she needs his
strength, love and understanding. Their union results in the birth of
children and the perpetuation of the human race.

Marriage is a three-fold state:

1. it is a sacrament,

2. A sacred contract

3. A divine institution.

As a sacrament, it is a spiritual union in which man and woman utter
certain vows one to another and thus bind themselves together for life
and for their souls' mutual benefit.

As a contract, it is a personal agreement to live together as husband
and wife, he to provide shelter, protection, sustenance, and she to
care for the home and bear and nurture their children.

As an institution, marriage is the lawful custom in society, bringing
stability to the family and the social order. Marriage is a jivayajna,
a sacrifice of each small self to the greater good of the family and

The Vedas exclaim:-

I am he, you are she,

I am song, you are verse,

I am heaven, you are earth.

And we two shall here together dwell, becoming parents of children."

And now comes:-

What Are the Duties of a Husband?

It is the husband's duty, his purusha dharma, to protect and provide
for his wife and children. He, as head of the family, griheshvara, is
responsible for its spiritual, economic, physical, mental and
emotional security and well being by their physical, mental and emotional differences, the man is suited to work in the world and the woman to bear and raise their children in the home. The husband is, first, an equal participant in the
procreation and upbringing of the future generation. Second, he is the
generator of economic necessary for society and the immediate family.

The husband must be caring, understanding, masculine, loving,
affectionate, and an unselfish provider, to the best of his ability
and through honest means. He is well equipped physically and mentally
for the stress and demands placed upon him. When he performs his
dharma well, the family is materially and emotionally secure. Still,
he is not restricted from participation in household chores,
remembering that the home is the wife's domain and she is its

The Vedas implore, "Through this oblation, which invokes prosperity,
may this bridegroom flourish anew; may he, with his manly energies,
flourish the wife they have brought to him. May he excel in strength,
excel in royalty! May this couple be inexhaustible in wealth that
bestows luster a thousand fold?"

The question is how far it is workable 100% in the present living
scenario wherein in many cases both husband and wife has to go for
work- doesn't matter make acceptable and meaningful compromises in the
keen interest of the whole family without compromising on values of
living and "Be an Ideal Husband and Righteous Wife"- Please read
further…(This has been posted in the group earlier too)……………………………


According to ancient Indian philosophy & heritage and AN IDEAL HUSBAND
AND A RIGHTIOUS WIFE (In Indian divine language i.e. in Sanskrit it is
referred to as Uthmapurushan and Dharma Pathni) makes a perfect couple
paving way for a healthy living and prosperous family. I find no
reason and justification why this concept cannot be accepted and
followed by ROW (No doubt many a country has begun to follow the
system in a snail's pace).The end result would be an ideal,
prosperous, healthy and a unique family on its path to progress,
prosperity and phenomenal growth.

A man (husband) has to lead and live a life filled with love, ethics,
cleanliness, faith, trust, good understanding and care for the good
cause and sake of his family. Have concern for each and every member
of his family without discrimination and perform his duties with care
and caution to reach the pinnacle of peace, prosperity and contentment
Being the head of the family he is responsible and accountable for the
overall development and growth of the family in an IDEAL manner. Ideal
is a sober word with soft meanings and man has to remain sober and
soft at all times during the course of his living.

The woman (wife) on the other hand is expected to assist the man in
performance of his duties as mentioned above, apart from performing
her duties in a rightful and righteous manner without causing even an
iota of damages to the sentiments and thoughts of one and all in the
family-herein ethics, love and divinity plays a vital role, to be
borne in mind at all times.

As a matter of fact, wife plays a lead role in the well being and
prosperity of the whole family (a traditionally accepted truth) but of
course in necessity in consultation and consent of the husband as she
is considered and accepted as Goddess of wealth and prosperity (known
as MAHALASHMI) and by following the traditionally prescribed way of
living (as mentioned above) nothing in the world can prevent her from
attaining the prosperity and well being of the family. The husband
being an ideal man should always extend his whole hearted support to
the wife to achieve her ultimate goal for the welfare and well being
of the family. In a nutshell it's a team effort and work, mixed with
ideal and righteous by the husband and wife.

How do you build and maintain an excellent future generation? The wife
(mother for children) plays an important role in this respect. As a
mother she holds more responsibility in bringing up the children in
the right manner with high values of Love higher values of Ethics and
highest values Living It should be begun at grass root level so that
the edifice of moral values, ethical values, values of dignity, self
respect, respect for others etc are instilled in the children from
early child-hood itself. It's not a short term assignment but a duty
extends for long time, and at all times she seeks the man's support
and guidance, it must be extended and accorded with out a second
thought. Righteous is a powerful word and to fulfill the powerful task
the woman has to be righteously powerful to perform and fulfill her
duties towards the family.

The relationship of man and woman (husband and wife) is so close knit
if not handled with duty bound, devotion and dedication ,will loosen
the close knit strings of relationship causing deterioration. Let the
purpose of living together of man and woman be fulfilled the way it
should be in accordance with the tradition, heritage and culture
surrounded by ethics and elegance always and let man and woman
together pave way for their own perfect living and to build an
excellent and exciting future generation.

May God bless all couples and their children for an exciting and
excellent living and future?


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