Monday, March 23, 2009

Jagad Guru Sri Adi Sankara's words...............

Jagadguru Sri Adi Sankara's Hymn to the Divine Mother

O Mother! Let all my speech be your prayer;

let all my crafts and technology be your worship and be the mystic gestures of my hand, adorning you
May all my movements become your devotional circumambulating.

May everything I eat or drink be oblations to you.

Let my lying down in rest and sleep be prostrations to you. Mother!

Whatever I do, may all that become a sacramental service and worship for you.


Vivekachudamani Teachings on the fall of a Man of Wisdom

No great danger is there for the man of wisdom than carelessness about his own real nature. From this comes delusion, thence egoism. This is followed by bondage and then by misery. (Verse 322)

Finding even a wise man hankering after sense objects, forgetfulness torments him through the evil propensities of the intellect, as a woman torments her doting paramour. (Verse 323)

If the mind ever so slightly strays from the ideal and becomes outgoing, then it goes down and down, just as a ball, inadvertently dropped on a flight of stairs, bounces down from one step to another.(Verse 325)


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