Thursday, August 06, 2009

The purity of Awareness.....................................

The Purity of Awareness....................

To the awakened mystic, there is only one mind. There is no "your mind" and "my mind," just one mind, finished, complete in all stages of manifestation. Man's individual awareness flows through the mind as the traveller treds the globe. Just as the free citizen moves from city to city and country to country, awareness moves through the multitude of forms in the mind.

Before we meditate, we view the cycles of our life and erroneously conclude that the mind changes, that it evolves. We view joy one moment, and despair the next and, because we feel so different in these states, assume we have changed. We grow up and look back on our childhood and again see the appearance of change. Through meditation, however, we observe that we have not changed at all. Awareness becomes our real identity, and it is pure and changeless. It was the same at seven years of age as it is today. It is the same in happiness as it is in sadness. Pure awareness cannot change. It is simply aware.

Therefore, you are right now the totality of yourself. You never were different, and you never will be. You are perfect at this very moment. Change is only a seeming concept created through false identification with the experiences we have in various areas of the one mind.

Everything in the world and everything in the mind is as it should be in a perfect state of evolution. Super consciously, we can clearly see this through the eyes of our soul. When looking at it through the instinctive-intellectual mind, we don't see this perfection. It is as if we have blinders on both sides of our eyes, like a donkey. The carrot of desire dangles right in front of our nose when we are in the instinctive-intellectual mind, and we are going after it, step at a time, step at a time, with our blinders on. We have to go in and in and in and reach an expanded state of awareness and gain that mountaintop consciousness where we perceive that there is no injustice in the world. There is not one wrong thing. All is in perfect order and rhythm in God's cosmic world................................And..................

"If only you learn the art of' INVOLVE', you will learn the science of 'EVOLVE'


akey said...

Thank you for scripting this in such a clear manner.
In Book 3 in the Anastasia series of books she refers
to this "purity of awareness" that can allow us the totality of what a human truly is also opens the door to total access of the universal wisdom ( My paraphrase)
Thank you again for your perception

J.KANNAN said...

Dear Akey,

Thanks a lot for your positive and encouraging comments and I am in total agreement with your paraphrase.