Sunday, September 27, 2009

Goal of Life ...................................Explained.................

Goal of Life............................Explained.

Dharma, Artha, Kama, Mokhya are simple words. An individual can understand by simply looking within, and without getting prejudiced by one's own conditioned mind.

Dharma is that holds you like rest of the whole universe. It is the set of eternal principles that pre-existed your own existence. You have to follow it scrupulously.

Artha is means by which you materialise your desires. Everything natural has an artificial development and everything artificial has a natural origin. Artifice that is human intelligence is also a gift of nature. One should use it to benefit out of Nature and not destroy it while using it as a means to materialise one's desires.

Kama is desire which is bound to be there in a functioning human body. Desires differ according to the attributes of Nature with which one is born in its different proportions. You know Tamasic, Rajasic and Satwic gunas in human nature as gifts of Nature. One's Dharma or the duty as designed by Nature is to perform ones duty in accordance with the Swaguna (determined by the proportion of the three Gunas). Swaguna determines your Swabhav or characteristics or inner feelings. Swabhav determines your Swadharma.

Mokshya is to live performing one's duties in his appointed station in accordance with the eternal principles of Nature. Hence, Mokshya is the end in itself as it helps one to fulfill the very purpose of one's existence. Chaturvidha Purushartha is the means and the end by itself.

To have a better understanding of the subject one can read 'Essays on Geeta' by Sri Aurobindo

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