Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Joy of Aging With Grace & Dignity.................

The Joy of Aging With  Grace & Dignity....Yet with a feeling of being Ageless..................JK
Life is not about how far you can go.........neither....... how high you can jump............... nor............... how much weight you can carry......BUT....... Life is all  about experiences, friendships, family, and the memories they create. So, why do so many people fear old age when the years that go by enrich us?   No matter how old you may be, you should always be full of life, even more so, than when you were young.......OK

Even though my body is not as young as it used to be................I will not change my amazing friends.................My wonderful life............The things I have seen.......The lessons I have learned...............My loving family.With age I become more merciful,peaceful and less critical towards my self and become my own best friend.I no longer get angry with me for eating the last bite of an apple.............for not tidying my room or for buying a new car.and whatever other things may be...........I can enjoy the treat.....and the mess and flashiness because..................I have earned it.I have seen too many dear and good friends leave this world too early even before they could understand the freedom that comes with old age.It's no body's business if I choose to read all the night......sleep until noon and then spend my time at computer............I Will dance on to my own music and if I choose to cry over my past..............I will ........but in silence within ME.As the years go by, its easier to remain positive. I care LESS  about what others think of me and I no longer doubt  myself and I have earned the right to make mistakes and do things what other think are odd.I know I do forget sometimes, somethings but some parts of the life should be forgotten.I have been blessed with enough years for my hair to become fully grey unlike many others,and I am fortunate enough that way. Yes.............I like being growing old................Yes I am free and love to look the person every morning in the mirror...............I am content....I am confident and happy  with myself.................and wish that you too my beloved ageing will find mind and strength to live your life this way  so that your smile may never fade.....and will remain ageless.

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