Saturday, September 10, 2016

SING...............DANCE & SMILE...with CHILDREN.....That's REAL HAPPINESS...

SING...............DANCE & SMILE...with CHILDREN.....That's REAL HAPPINESS...

Success..... partial success, failure..... partial failures...are all based on advance expectation of results. But the very expectation is the non recognition of the basic feature of the Universe uncertainity, Probability which includes improbability. It is in fact the chronic disease of one’s inability to enjoy the work one is doing. It is the loss of the thrill of learning the new revelations and anger at the outcomes not happening as expected. It is the loss of innocence of childhood, a child is curious to observe and get thrilled, eager for new thrills. A child if not interfered with, enjoys every moment of the living present. Refusal to be disappointed when things do not happen as expected and keeping the thrill of the future as it unfolds is courage......&..... The negative feeling about old age is the ultimate failure.

The Universe continuously metamorphosis. The previous station of the gigantic process of metamorphosis is neither loss nor profit. Life is happy participation in the Universe, not attempts, successes and failures. At the quantum level where the laws of day today physics are not valid, where uncertainty and probability rule, the greatest lesson is that there are neither successes nor failures. The only failure in life is the failure in the capacity to really smile. The Universe is always smiling and when you are not smiling, you are suffering because you are trying to be disconnected from the Universe. Living essentially is smiling.
The best method of preserving the capacity to smile is to allow a child to sing and dance as the child wants to without your dictation or training and trying to learn from the child without your training. The Universe is a cloud of happiness, the cloud of ever changing enchantments. You can participate in the enchantment by singing, writing poetry, by happily allowing the smiles wherever available and striving to spread the smile. Smile and make others smile. Remove every obstruction to the flow of the general smile or the collective smile of the many..........................And............... Never become a snob. A snob is one who enjoys making others lowly.



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