Sunday, February 26, 2017

Make The Habit of Respect for..............Persons............

Make The Habit of Respect for..............Persons............

More than food, clothing and shelter, a person needs respect. Respect is the self acceptance and also the acceptance by the society that the person is the source and ear of thought, that the person’s presence complements the synergy and individual energies in the community. At the ultimate fundamental level, the Universe is actually a cauldron and arena of thought and not of matter. The three dimensional matter, supposed to be rooted in the particles of the standard model, actually is an illusion. One lives in thought..... in consciousness..... in emotional interactions and equations...and not one single emotion can be quantified in reality and it cannot be measured in terms of length, breadth, height, in kilos or litres or miles.
Once education meant, actually practising concentration,planning, achieving goals and aims till one actually felt one’s participation in the gigantic synergy of the Universe. The basic meaning of God is, the Universe and participation in the Subsumation in the rhythm of the universe was education, which actually was the living of life. God was the basic conceptual base or paradigm to connect to and experience understanding. And everyone was a co-efficient, contributing to the gigantic multiplication in thought taking place in the Universe.

Respect in essence, is the recognition of the position of an individual as a co-efficient of thought. When one’s position as a coefficient of thought is recognized, one automatically thinks before expressing a thought. One cares for one’s thoughts and one weighs before expressing a thought.One’s thoughts thus blend in the general thought, every word gathers new meanings, develops branches, language grows as the thought grows.

But what is the path chosen for thought? Is it to be based on nature, as an interaction and emotional relationship with nature, the acceptance of every living form as a coefficient of thought, or is the thought to be mechanized, every organism to be killed or extinguished or tortured in the name of industrial and economic development?If the path chosen is participation in nature, then it is the path of art, the path of rapture in music, painting, sculpture, song, poetry in the communal synergy of dances...Observe a group dancing and singing, there is the Subsumation of spirit, every member feeling acceptance, feeling the belonging...feeling the RESPECT.

With the demise of barter based on nature, each individual giving and receiving various needs, based on traditions, customs, the sense of the sacred---, the very concept of respect as an individual’s personal need is gone. Money has become the ticket for respect. The more money one has, the more the respect one gets and commands. In that mad rush for money, all nature is being destroyed, the more sophisticated the method of destruction, the greater the respect the inventor of that method of destruction gets.

Nature is getting destroyed. Individual human beings too are getting destroyed, in the name of cost reduction. Cost reduction actually is the euphemism for shifting one’s expenditure to the society, or in not paying what is really due. ULTIMATELY COST REDUCTION MEANS THE REDUCTION OF RESPECT TO HUGE POPULATION .Respect for nature and the respect for the individual cannot be separated. Oh..... My God, today arts themselves are mechanized, it is not the person that sings as in nature, it is the machine that sings, it is the machine that paints, it is the machine that manufactures if there is no need to respect the redundant human being or nature.


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