Tuesday, April 18, 2006

useful tips on bath and sleep


Bath and sleep are two things one can hardly afford to miss during the life span. Hence it is advisable and better to have some awareness on these: -
The following are the most convenient and conventional types of baths: -

Shower bath: Is in the form of cold water spray on the head and body.
Dip/Plunge bath to immerse the body in cold water and come out.
Splash bath: Cold water is splashed all over the body.
Sponge bath: Dipping towel/sponge in water and wringing it softly and quickly over the body.

A daily bath in the cold water in the morning before sunrise is indeed bracing, invigorating, energizing and refreshing- the reason being water that gets cooled during the night evolves much oxygen at this time. Try as much and as far as possible for a cold-water bath as this the best health measures that exist. It stimulates all the functions of the body and makes the skin more resistant to cold. In as much it helps to drive the blood suddenly from the skin to the interior of the body.

After a cold bath rub the body vigorously with a towel, this works as an excellent tonic to invigorate the body and strengthen it. Cold and other related diseases would not be contracted easily.

Do not take a cold bath immediately after performing Asanas or exercises. Allow the body to cool down and also never bathe soon after meals as it will certainly interfere with your digestion and involve you with sickness.

Sponge bath is recommended only when a person is not bodily keeping well or under uneasy circumstances.


Is a physiological phenomenon by which the mind, brain and all the organs get rest? It may be noted that during sleep the mind go back to it source. It is nature’s tonic for a healthy life. The more sound sleep one has, healthier one would be. The saying goes like this- six hours of sleep for a man, seven hours sleep for a woman
and ten hours of sleep for a child. As far as possible maintain same time daily for sleep. Wear loose clothing and avid using heavy blankets and sheets for covering the body. It is the quality of the sleep that matters and the quantity.

Do not sleep on the back. Sleep on the sides preferably left side, as this will not affect the heart as many ignorant people think. Allow the right nostril to flow during sleep. This will enable easy digestion of food. Excessive sleep makes a person dull and lethargic. Sleep in a room well ventilated. Do not have and feel Insomnia effect thinking of inadequate sleep?

Wishing all the readers a daily refreshing bath to remain fit and fragrant and a comfortable and qualitative slumber for healthy living.

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