Saturday, October 27, 2007

Darshanas (Visions):-

The sixth and last set of scriptures are known as Darshanas, the school of Philosophy. These are meant for for the intellectuals and the scholars with six main school of philosophical thoughts to guide them. The names and its founders are as follows:-

Nyaya by.....................Gautahama Rishi
Viseshika by..................Kanada
Sankhya by....................Kapila Muni
Yoga by.......................Patanjali
Mimamsa by....................Jaimini
Vedanta by....................Badrayana(Vyasa)

The philosophy of Nyaya is guided by pure logic and reasoning. Although this system is not popular today, its emphasis on logic and debate , has influenced all thinking through the ages.

Viseshika is the is the earliest in the world to talk of the universe as consisting of countless atoms each with its own particular quality. The Nyaya and Vaiseshika doctrines merge with one another and are studied together.

The Sankhya system also emphasises on logic and inference , but its main belief is that the universe consists of two elements,purusha and prakriti(spirit and matter). It is the oldest of all and mention is made of it in Mahabaratha.

The yoga school accepts Sankhya philosophy but uses the system of mind control as the mean of attaining God.

Mimamsa places great emphasis on vedic rituals and sacrifices. Yajna the ritual of sacrifice is done by chanting of vedas, while ghee, grain and other offerings are poured into the sacred fire.

Vedanta, meaning the end of vedas bases its doctrine on the Upanishads.Of the six schools of philosophy, Vedanta is considered the most valid for the times we live in. It teaches that the Supreme God can be attained only by one's own individual spiritual experience and such a thought is more acceptable to the modern mind.

Vedanta insists on strict adherence to Truth and tireless investigation.Thousands of years ago our ancients taught what is today in conformity with the modern scientific approach.All thinking has been affected by Vedanta which even though we may not be aware of, is very root of our culture and beliefs.The Upanishads,,The Vedanta Sutras and the Bhagavad gita are called prasthana Traya(authoritative scriptures) of Hinduism and the three great commentators on the Vedanta Sutras were Adi Sankara, Ramanuja and Madhavcharya.

Vedanta has influenced many great thinkers as expounded by the ancient Rishis of the Upanishadic period. Vedanta appeals to the mind and to one's logical understanding . It gives answers to the spiritual doubts of wise men of all times in all ages. It is the school of philosophy that appeals equally to the mystical minds of the seers and the philosophers of the Western world who are conditioned by the pragmatic and scientific environment.

To be concluded.

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