Thursday, November 01, 2007

Samadhi- The state of Union with God.

Samadhi is the highest step on the path of yoga as explained by Sage Patanjali, attained through abstract meditation. Samadhi(The state of union with God) is attained when the meditator,in the process of mediation by which the the mind is withdrawn from the senses by interiorization and the object of meditation i.e God becomes one.

There may be imperfect comprehension in Samadhi and if proceeded beyond this will derive tranquillity and a feeling of contentment born out of desirelessness, a state of perfect comprehension.

In the beginning state of God communion, known as "Sabikalpa Samadhi" ,the meditators consciousness merges in cosmic spirit, his life force is withdrawn from the body which may appear dead or motionless or rigid and the person is fully aware of the suspended animation.

During Samadhi only a taste of bliss is experienced whereas after Self-realisation the person becomes bliss itself which is beyond dualistic interpretation.

Intense meditation develops into Samadhi. wherein the meditator loses his identity in the object meditated upon and merges in the Self.

As a person progresses to higher spiritual state,known as"Nirbikalpa samadhi" he communes with God without bodily fixation and in his ordinary waking consciousness, even in the midst of exacting worldly duties. Both the states are characterised by oneness with the ever new bliss of spirit and the "Nirbhikalpa" state is experienced only by the most advanced spiritual Masters and in the advanced state, he is in rapport with the Self,this is a nataural state without efforts and there is nothing such as going in and out of Samadhi for him, as he is ever rooted in the Self.

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